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  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkCuering View Post
    There aren't much Python developer here in Asia...we really had this long time searching... while I'm busy crawling my neighborhood company to write codes for them during free time...extra $ sometimes

    How long have you been working in Python?
    nothing wrong with extra $ haha, i just dont let my comp i do that. oh not to long my cousin started way back with it, then a classmate of mine was hooked by again "string manipulation" when i was trying to be good at perl this was october 2006, perl is good for listing lesson learned,i tried to build a parser using it but su.cked, it wasnt a file parser like my teamate did,

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakouten View Post
    Im using vb6.0, now everybody says switch to coz its the "IN" programming language today..

    I just wanna ask People about this, Why would i? What can possibly do that vb6.0 cannot?

    Any opinions?
    vb6 can't do remoting, vb6 is slow, vb6 doesn't have exception handling and most of all, vb6 has DLL Hell...

  3. #13
    Hmm... I think im gonna have to shift.

    BUT, Where would i start? Do you guys know where to start? i mean, any tutorials?

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakouten View Post
    Hmm... I think im gonna have to shift.

    BUT, Where would i start? Do you guys know where to start? i mean, any tutorials?
    its up to you since the .net frame encapsulates a bunch of languages

    here's a little something since this is easier

    Startvbdotnet: : Free VB .NET, ASP.NET Tutorials, Code, Concepts

  5. #15
    Thanks Bryan!

  6. #16
    Elite Member
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    vb6 can't do remoting,

    What do u mean by remoting? Who knows, someone knows here :P

    vb6 is slow,

    Can you describe what does it mean FAST for you?

    vb6 doesn't have exception handling

    Yes, and it allows you to write your own classes to handle exceptions. If you depend too much from the compiler your are not considering future expansion. I experience this way back using "isintance" in python. where it fails to identify if you try to reload some modules. the lessons might just be in python but in general... try not to depend error handling in any language, this made us to create our own. by this time under C/C++.

    and most of all, vb6 has DLL Hell...

    I guess you're judging as what other people telling about.... the productiveness really depends upon the person who's doing it! yes! VB6 is HELL! to those you didn't used it fully, and yet HEAVEN to those who earn $$$ already... same as C++, which a TERROR to those who tried to implement in their ground and yet a WEAPON to those people who already succeed...

  7. #17
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    If you really new to .NET, I suggest to take an advance course (if you have time) or get a Video Tutorial like CBT, AppDev (the one i'm using) during free time or no urgent job. This will let you familiarize the concept of .NET. Most of the videos came out for VB.NET especially on the topic OOP. all these stuffs including handbook in .pdf are downloaded. (I used rapidshare, rapget). just google it.

    VB doesn't have a full support in OOP but in VB.NET you can have its full feature of using inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulations etc... well, actually .NET is a set of Classes developed by MS and most of the time you will be thinking "Objects".

    Advance topic regarding OOP explains in C++ code format or in C# (you can see it in depth part of MSDN). This requires you to at least get familiarize with the C# codes.

    and lastly, try get an EXAM, well not for the cert...but to test your foundation in .NET technology. I've learn a lot for MS Press training kit... stuffs that we haven't touch yet....don't forget buy some Patience, Hardwork & Determination :P

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MarkCuering View Post

    vb6 can't do remoting,

    What do u mean by remoting? Who knows, someone knows here :P

    >>google it.

    vb6 is slow,

    Can you describe what does it mean FAST for you?
    >> does your vb6 app use COM+?

    vb6 doesn't have exception handling

    Yes, and it allows you to write your own classes to handle exceptions. If you depend too much from the compiler your are not considering future expansion. I experience this way back using "isintance" in python. where it fails to identify if you try to reload some modules. the lessons might just be in python but in general... try not to depend error handling in any language, this made us to create our own. by this time under C/C++.

    >> if its c++, then its not vb6 is it?

    and most of all, vb6 has DLL Hell...

    I guess you're judging as what other people telling about.... the productiveness really depends upon the person who's doing it! yes! VB6 is HELL! to those you didn't used it fully, and yet HEAVEN to those who earn $$$ already... same as C++, which a TERROR to those who tried to implement in their ground and yet a WEAPON to those people who already succeed...

    >>judging as what people telling me about? did i say vb6 is hell? first, people didn't tell me about DLL Hell, i dont judge as what other people are telling me, im not like you, so don't accuse me of it. second, i didn't say vb6 is hell. for you to understand DLL hell, google it. yes i like vb6, i still maintain our old app using it, i don't have anything against it. its just that there are some things that vb6 can do and can do it even better.
    Last edited by digitalsuperman; 09-10-2008 at 02:31 PM.

  9. #19
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    ah okay...just few clarifications cheers :P what makes it disadvantage anyway?

  10. #20
    its not a disadvantage. as i said there are some things vb6 can do and can do even better.
    first one good example is the .net remoting versus the com+ application. when you use com+ and you have a problem with your com servers, it would be very difficult to switch to no com+ unless you code it manually, and if you code it then it would just kill the thought of RAD. using remoting, if you have a problem with where your remote objects are, then you just comment some part of your remote config and viola, you run it locally. second, vb6 using com+ is slow since there are plenty of variables to consider such as network connection and network configuration all of that affects it. third, exception handling. if you create your own exception handling then its great, but why create your own when vb6 has its own error handling? native error handling on the framework makes it more easy to catch exceptions. lastly the DLL Hell, in our applications we use a lot of application extension such as dll's and ocx's.. one thing to consider is that for you to use it, you must register it. but as what we encounter is that sometimes the registry can get crazy and some dll registration is gone.

    what i love personally about dotnet is its object oriented programming. although vb6 is object based. vb6 has polymorphism through interface thats why its called object based and not oop.

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