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  1. #1

    Lightbulb How To use the DLL's in

    Need more information about DLL files in (IDE used: Visual Studio VB2005/200

    1. How to use dll files.
    2. Advantage of using it.
    3. Where to download usefull dll files.
    ....and more...addtional information to share if u have..

    -sample dll link for Datagridview given by markcuering

    mga master sa diha... pls give us some tips. im new in

  2. #2
    Elite Member
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    Your question seems only for .NET users which momentarily I’m not one of those hehehe, but I’d like to tell you some idea and concept to start with, this may only be valid using C++.NET or C#, but the concept is still the same, after all we’ve been working same platform created by uncle Bill.

    These DLL you’ve been talking is considered as “Unregistered DLL”. Right before .NET we often do these common things:

    1. Find out first if the DLL is a COM DLL or Unmanage DLL, you have to look only the DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer function to determine if it is COM DLL. I tried to upload some screenshot but my account is down at this time.... However, you can download this tool freely, just google it “Dependecy Walker” Other important tools with me for DLL’s are:

    Regdllview (show only those registered dll, if you got tons then use “find” function)
    DLL Export Viewer (for C and C++ but good for reference on other language)

    2. Register DLL in the system, using regsvr32 and regsvr32 /u this will load the information right from its entry point, creating ProgIDs, CLSIDs and etc.. in our system registry

    3. Load or Dispatch on your programming language, create an object that holds the classes then finally use it on the program.

    But this turns out to be different in .NET, Microsoft advice us to use Global Assembly Cache (GAC) here’s something to read:

    1. How to install an assembly in the Global Assembly Cache in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005

    2. CodeProject: Demystifying the .NET Global Assembly Cache. Free source code and programming help

    You don’t have to register DLL in .NET or any DLL’s that were created under .NET platform. You can try it using regsvr32 and be happy to receive an error like “DllRegister Server entry point was not found.”

    You don’t have to worry about creating assembly on these dll’s to manage in your source files (appears to be as “AssemblyInfo.cpp” in my computer), coz you can directly use your object browser to scan…and for this DLL I figure it out what I need:

    Assembly DataGridViewExtension
    Member of Custom Component Set

    System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("DataGrid ViewExtensionComponent"),
    System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("") ,
    System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute(" "),
    System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibili tyAttribute,
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute (false),
    System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxat ionsAttribute(,
    System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("Copy right © CompletIT 2007"),
    System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("1. 1.0.0"),
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("a358 5927-f3fe-4020-9726-bb620db8dd4d"),
    System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Comple tIT Ltd."),
    System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("DataGr idView Extension")]

    Code style and format may be different in other language, but talking about .NET and running the same Platform will carry the same concept and procedures. Glad if you share how you able to manage in VB.NET… coz it seems you’re the one who’s gonna use it now. GoodLuck…


  3. #3
    yah! ur right mark.. i intended to target the question only for users in order not to confused us newbie in .net technology..but anyhow u have said the concept is still the same and i agree to that.

    im still on the stage of gathering information as of now..hehhehe..if i can able to manage it i will definitely share/post it.

    thanks for the great post MarkCuering.... another information to keep in mind..hehehhe.

  4. #4
    Elite Member
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    By the way here's what I meant to tell about COM DLL...

    Just now I tried also the DataGridExtension, Seems work find.. including the other DLL's...I wish to try in VB.NET but at the moment I only have Visual C++ 2008... got some problem installing Visual Studio 2005. Some class in DataGridViewExtension have some warnings, I guess it need some additional license, coz I can't find the rest of its supporting modules. However, It works find for me at this stage.

    you ask about disadvantages? cast seems too burden to type....

    void InitializeComponent(void)
    this->components = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container());
    this->dataGridViewExtensionComponent1 = (gcnew CompletIT::Windows::DataGridViewExtension::DataGri dViewExtensionComponent(this->components));
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1 = (gcnew CompletIT::Windows::Forms::Export::Html::DGVEHtmlE xportSettingsEditor());
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1 = (gcnew CompletIT::Windows::Forms::Export::Excel::DGVEExce lExportSettingsEditor());

    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->AutoScroll = true;
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Enabled = false;
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 12);
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Name = L"dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1";
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Settings = nullptr;
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(382, 428);
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->TabIndex = 0;
    this->dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1->Load += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::dgveHtmlExportSettingsEditor1_Load);

    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->AutoScroll = true;
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->Enabled = false;
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(388, 20);
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->Name = L"dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1";
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->Settings = nullptr;
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(426, 420);
    this->dgveExcelExportSettingsEditor1->TabIndex = 1;

    this->AutoScaleDimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13);
    this->AutoScaleMode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font;
    this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(826, 471);
    this->Name = L"Form1";
    this->Text = L"Form1";
    this->Load += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_Load);


    I wish I could just simply type:

    myGrid = CompletIT.Windows.DataGridViewExtension()


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