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splendid moonlight

  1. Bread + milk + egg + cinnamon = french toast

    I can't decide which one I like best

    eating french toast or

    making french toast

    It ain't much fun if you're going to be eating alone, though. French toasts are meant to be shared; almost like what coffee is according to Nescafe.

    Ahh, my heart simply flutters when I'm making ...

    Updated 03-06-2009 at 03:24 AM by splendid moonlight

  2. My favorite part of Christmas and New Year...

    is gift-wrapping! I remember one christmas when I started buying gifts during September. By December I had so many gifts to wrap I fell asleep from exhaustion in the midst of wrappers. But it was fun!

    This was a gift I prepared for my manita.

    The initial wrapping was done at the store for free but they had no ribbons for sale and I did not know where to buy one. So I figured I should just ...

    Updated 12-29-2008 at 02:15 AM by splendid moonlight

  3. Humba

    My first try at humba.

    I had to recook this because the meat wasn't yet tender.

    My second try was almost a disaster. I was using another approach which did not work for me so I had to redo the whole process. It didn't prove too easy, though; the damage has already been done and either it was too salty, or too sour, or too sweet. Only thing that I think saved it were the potatoes (even though ...

    Updated 12-28-2008 at 01:48 PM by splendid moonlight

  4. Bistek Tagalog

    I used to think Filipinos living and working out of the country are being a tad bit OA and incredibly fussy and noisy everytime I heard them talk about how they miss Snowbear, utap, bulad, masaryal, hipon, ginamos, and you get the idea. It did not occur to me that if I had cravings for any particular local dish when I'm in my home country, why couldn't my countrymen outside of my country? So of course now I know I was dead wrong.

    Anyway, I had a craving for real Filipino dish a couple ...

    Updated 12-22-2008 at 02:55 AM by splendid moonlight

  5. Bollywood films and the silence in cold

    I watched my second Bollywood film today with one of my officemates. The movie wasn't that great but the leading lady was gorgeous. One of the guys was Aishwarya Rai's real husband who I've always thought looks scary in the pictures I've seen of him on the internet. His character wasn't scary at all, though - just the opposite - so it was fun seeing him in a different light. The other guy looked like a young Albert Martinez; he had too many 'wet' scenes - some with him on the beach and the others ...

    Updated 12-04-2008 at 04:44 AM by splendid moonlight

  6. missing home

    I came across pictures of my old hometown from a foreigner's blog and I regret to say that it's feeding my homesickness to the nth level. To make things worse we have just heard the cuckoo of a rooster from the next building. I thought I'd been dreaming when I heard it this afternoon but just a few minutes ago I heard it loud and clear when my brother flung open the windows so I could feel the change in the night air outside.

    Yes I think winter desert style is coming. There's a bit ...

    Updated 11-13-2008 at 04:37 AM by splendid moonlight

  7. doctor, doctor

    I went to the doctor last night and I am very disappointed to say that his mind was elsewhere when he was talking to me. He kept touching his forehead and crinkling his eyes like he was in need of some doctor himself. He said I'll be alright and to just continue drinking my meds and almost shooed me out of his clinic. I guess I should be happy I'm healthy enough to be almost shooed; no sick person gets shooed out of a clinic - I hope so because that would be sad.

    Now I miss my doctor ...

    Updated 11-12-2008 at 01:51 PM by splendid moonlight

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