It's official, Intel has delayed its mobile Ivy Bridge processor launch, at least according to an interview with Intel's executive VP and chariman of Intel China, Sean Maloney. This is indeed bad news for those waiting to upgrade their notebooks, as it means another few months wait, something that isn't always an option.According to, Mr Maloney said that Ivy Bridge notebooks aren't likely to arrive until June now, although the exact quote is “I think maybe it's June now” which suggests that Intel hasn't set a firm launch date as yet. Co-incidentally Computex takes place in Taipei, Taiwan in June and Intel generally has a fair few announcements at the show, although the company disappointed last year, so it would be a good opportunity for Intel to have something slightly more interesting to announce this year.That said, Intel will still start shipping processors to its partners in the second quarter, so nothing has changed here, it's just that the actual retail launch has been pushed back for the notebook products. As we reported previously, the mobile quad core models were expected to arrive in April, but it looks like this might've changed as well.As far as we're aware, Intel will still be launching its desktop parts in April, although we're hearing that the actual launch date might have changed. Intel's partners are still set to show off their motherboards at Cebit early next months, albeit without Ivy Bridge processors to demo them with and they won't be allowed to run any benchmarks at the show, although this would be mostly pointless without the new processors.Source:
Read more: Intel confirms notebook Ivy Bridge delay by