On Intel CES 2012 press conference, Intel raised a lot of attention when the company gave away 50 ASUS "Zenbook" Ultrabooks which were located under randomly positioned seats.When it comes to the content as such, the press conference was solely dedicated to the Ultrabook and how Intel is going to unleash the marketing wave of global advertising to push Ultrabook in the same manner Centrino brand was pushed back in 2004. But one of bigger demo error of CES happened during the alleged live demonstration of F1 2011.

F1 2011 is a DirectX 11 game and the presentation was supposed to demonstrate the 22nm Ivy Bridge processor running DirectX 11 code. Sadly for Mooly and the Intel DEMO team, we saw VLC player controlls popping on the screen a few times - clearly proving this was not a live demo, and what Mooly Eden did was something that millions of Formula One fans do worldwide - pretended to drive an F1 car while looking at the TV.The only difference being, those millions of fans don't act in front of 500 people (and millions more watching the coverage of Intel on CES) while trying to pitch a product.You can read more here.
Read more: Intel Fakes the Ivy Bridge DirectX 11 demo at CES 2012 Press Conference by VR-Zone.com