Film: Centuria 200 (expired 9/2009)
1. This is Bruno. He always looks so serious until his masters return. He isn't friendly to strangers but he's not unfriendly either. He just snobs them just like what he's doing to us.
2. There are some houses under a bridge in B. Rodriguez. The old woman is shoveling some 'sand' from the river just to make ends meet I presume. I wonder whether I could do that without hurting my back.
3.There are ukay-ukays for the rich and this one's for the poor. My wife goes to the latter. She sometimes finds good, branded ones.
4. It's against the law to urinate in public but this ain't Singapore, unfortunately. Men, obviously, are the most notorious for doing this. Women would find a comfort room.
5. Puppies are illegally sold near Robinsons. Some of the pups are put inside that basket hanging by the railing. Just today (Dec. 30), I stopped a puppy from climbing out and told the seller to put it back because it would risk hurting itself (either from the fall or being ran over).
6. A part of me wishes they were smart enough not to bring kids into this world only to put them in this condition. Then again, one could debate that poor people have the right to bear children too.
7. The dormitories of priests always look dreary in my opinion.
8. I forgot the explanation about the use of idols in the churches. I believe they're called 'symbols' you pray to. I really don't know whether they work or not but maybe there's a psychological benefit to praying. Just like a placebo.
9. People selling paper lanterns for Christmas. I made one of these when I was a kid. We used bamboo strips.
10. Man selling 'taho'. I love this drink.