Energy Raising & Storage
Feel all the coming awareness energy raising actions as if you were drawing a large sponge up through each pair of limbs, and were sponging liquid up through them, feeling the whole of them as you do this. Try and stay as physically relaxed as you can while doing these, but don't worry if you tense up a little or tend to twitch a bit at times. A little physical tension will not interfere with this type of energy raising. In time, you'll learn how to do this while standing, walking and even running.
A deep level of physical relaxation is not required for any of these training exercises; unless physical tension is suspected as interfering with the energy raising process. If tension is a problem, deep physical relaxation and/or trance systems (See Treatise on OBE, or better, Astral Dynamics), should be practiced first.
If awareness cannot be easily split, and two limbs cannot be effectively worked upon at the same time, it is permissible to work on only one limb at a time. It is much more important to raise some energy than it is to be able to split awareness actions and follow this tutorial exactly as written. Just do your best with all the exercises in this tutorial and adapt them to suit your needs and capabilities.
Do not worry if one leg or arm does not appear to respond well. Usually one side of the body will be stronger and will thus be easier to draw energy through than the other. Keep trying with the unresponsive side and continue trying to use arms and legs as pairs, when doing these exercises. If one leg or arm is all you can feel, draw energy through it but do not neglect the unresponsive ones. Unresponsive body parts require more development work and should be concentrated on with the energy blockage clearing exercises given earlier (see early training units). If unresponsive areas are present, some time should be put aside for extra work on these at the start of each training session.
Areas with a weaker flow of energy are signs of energy body inactivity. Regular stimulation will revitalize these areas and the energy pathways therein will widen and redefine, progressively allowing more and more energy to flow through them. In time and with regular development work, the entire energy body will come online and energy flow will steadily become more evenly distributed. Any part of the energy body that feels in any way different from the rest of it should be suspected of having an energy blockage. It should then be treated with appropriate energy blockage clearing exercises.
Energy Raising:
Basic Procedures For Leg Energy Raising:
There are two ways to raise energy into your body: with awareness alone or with awareness aided by the natural breathing action. First, here are the basic procedures for raising energy with awareness alone. These are generally used as a part of the full body circuit (coming up later) or for raising energy to primary energy centres. They are also very useful on their own for when it is impractical to do anything more elaborate. For example: if you are too tired to do anything else and just want to raise some quick energy to empower your sleep and dreams, while in the process of falling asleep.
Pre-Stimulating Feet:
First brush back and forth across all toes of one foot, with a single wide brushing action, for about thirty seconds. Next, use a wide brushing action on the sole, also for about thirty seconds. Finally, draw a deep sponging action through whole of the foot, for about thirty seconds. Repeat the above process on your other foot. Split awareness and repeat above sponging action with both feet at the same time, if possible. Continue this process until some activity is felt in one or both feet. If you have no trouble doing this and get a good response, pre-stimulate using split-awareness with a whole of feet sponging action only, for all future exercises. The most common energy movement sensations felt with this type of pre-stimulation are whole of feet heaviness and fuzziness, with mild overall tingling and buzzing.
Splitting awareness (optional) reach down and grab the energy of both feet with your awareness hands, and pull energy upwards. Sponge it up through the whole of both legs to your hips. Feel the whole of your legs as you do this. The action of feeling awareness moving up through legs forces energy to flow upwards through them.
Take energy up over front of hips (avoiding genitals) and flow this directly into your Sub-Navel energy storage centre - midway between belly button and pubic line and two inches inside body, depending upon the size of your body, of course. The Sub-Navel target area does not have to be exact, as long as energy is made to flow inside the body somewhere roughly in the middle of the lower navel area.
Feel the energy flowing deep into your belly for a moment, feeling your Sub-Navel centre sucking it all in like a vacuum cleaner. Then flick your awareness back to your feet, ready for the next upwards energy raising sweep.
Develop a rhythmic drawing action, sweeping and sponging energy upwards through your legs, over and through the front of your hips, and deep into your Sub-Navel storage centre.
Take two to three seconds over each upward sweep - but whatever feels most natural is best.
At the end of each upwards sweep, flick awareness back to your feet, ready to start over.
Alternate legs, if you are drawing energy up through only one leg at a time.
When you get a good flow of energy moving you may feel a slight pulsing, bubbling sensation in your lower navel area. This feels a little like warm, localized stomach wind near the site of the Sub-Navel storage centre. The exact site of this sensation varies slightly from person to person, but is usually within a couple of inches of the Sub-Navel storage centre. This sensation indicates leg energy is successfully stimulating the Sub-Navel centre and being stored therein.
Basic Procedures For Arm Energy Raising:
Energy can also be raised through the arms. This is normally only used as a part of a full body circuit or for stimulating the higher primary energy centres. However, energy can also be raised on its own in this way when there is a need for it.
Position: If sitting in a chair: either hang your arms by your sides, or rest them palm upwards in your knees. If you are lying down: lift your hands above the bed, with your elbows resting comfortably beside you on the bed surface, while you stimulate your hands. Rest them flat on the bed again once they become active, if you so wish. Natural comfort is the most important thing with these exercises, rather than following every instruction here to the letter.
Pre-Stimulating Hands:
Stimulate all fingers with a wide brushing across them; and then both palms with a large brushing action along their length; and then the whole of both hands with a large sponging action (as show earlier) feeling whole of hands, wrists and all fingers. You can work on one hand at a time, or both together with a split awareness action. Cease pre-stimulation when energy movement sensations are felt, i.e., a heaviness, fuzziness, tingling or buzzing in hands.
Split awareness (optional) and draw energy through both hands with a large sponging action. Continue this action on up through the whole of both arms to your shoulders; and from there take the energy to the back of your neck. The back of the neck is where it will be joining in with the energy stream being raised through your spine, as part of a full body energy raising circuit (coming up).
If this technique is used on its own, take energy through shoulders; down over chest and stomach; and then take it directly into the Sub-Navel storage centre, with a single, sweeping, sponging awareness action.
Feel the energy flowing into your Sub-Navel centre for a moment, then flick your awareness back into your hands ready for the next energy raising sweep up through your arms.
Use two to three second upward energy sweeps; flicking awareness back to hands at the end of each upward sweep, ready to start on the next.
Raising Energy With Breathing:
Now we get to the part where you start putting all that you have learned into practice and begin raising and storing energy in your Sub-Navel storage centre with a full body circuit. A full body circuit stimulates the entire energy body, using the above two basic energy raising techniques. This steadily increases energetic flow and vitality levels while causing widespread bio-energetic development, in a safe and progressive way.
Breathing creates a natural motion within the energy body: that of something flowing into and then out of it. This creates a natural upwards and downwards, inwards and outwards motion. This is very useful when combined with body awareness-based energy raising techniques. The breathing action also gives energy raising actions a natural rhythm, creating regular energy pulses throughout the energy body. Awareness actions quickly take on their own momentum which makes them easier to do, especially when used with the natural breathing rhythm.
Arms & Legs:
If you are just starting out with these exercises, the first step is to loosen up and stimulate the your feet, legs, hands and arms. Repeat the above two sections on basic arm and leg energy raising (referring to earlier sections as needed) until you get some energy movement sensations. If nothing is felt, however, continue with the following exercises anyway. Energy will still be drawn into your energy body and stored even if nothing is actually felt. This process also helps stimulate inactive areas into greater activity.
Full Body Storage Circuits:
#1. Two Part Storage Circuit:
The Two Part storage circuit is a simple procedure designed to take arm and leg energy directly into the Sub-Navel storage centre. This soon develops a natural rhythm, making it easier to continue for lengthy periods of time. Feel free to vary the positions of your arms and legs to whatever feels most natural to you. This circuit can be done while sitting, lying down, standing or even while walking and running, but is best learned while lying down with arms spread wide or extended above your head.
I like to use this circuit when I am raising energy outside, e.g., while watching sunrise or sunset. I find there are larger than normal amounts of available energy at these times, as well as in other beautiful natural settings; although this observation may be entirely subjective. If I am alone, I usually stand with legs and arms wide, eyes closed, and feel for the wind with my hands, and then for the Earth under my feet, as I raise energy into myself. The only caution here is that large amounts of energy can make you a little dizzy while standing in this position, especially if your eyes are closed. I have staggered and almost fallen over several times while doing this, so please be careful.
Use The Basic Leg & Arm Energy Raising Techniques, as given above, for the below circuit.
Before IN breath, centre awareness in feet.
During the whole IN breath, raise energy up legs, and flow it into Sub-Navel.
Continue flowing energy into Sub-Navel until IN breath is completely finished.
When the IN breath finishes flick awareness instantly into hands.
As OUT breath starts draw energy through arms, down chest, and into Sub-Navel.
Continue flowing energy into Sub-Navel until OUT breath is finished.
At the end of the OUT breath flick awareness back to feet again.
Repeat above steps 1 - 7 continually, settling into a relaxed, natural rhythm.
IN and OUT can be reversed for the above sequence, if preferred.
If you cannot split awareness, alternate legs and arms, using one limbs at a time.