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  1. #31

    sa akong gf before.. ala.. pero iya mga igsoun...

    naa... kay migo man mi sa iya kuya... nasuko nako... hehehehe

  2. #32
    C.I.A. rodsky's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
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    Oh you a bad mood, she keeps threatening to shoot me...with an airsoft rifle In a good mood, she still keeps threatening to shoot me...with a camera.


  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by rodsky View Post
    Oh you a bad mood, she keeps threatening to shoot me...with an airsoft rifle In a good mood, she still keeps threatening to shoot me...with a camera.


    WOW astig.. completo man jud...

  4. #34
    akong amiga karon g threat nga pusiLon nya ang next mauyab sa ako amiga kung buwagan xa..

  5. #35
    Elite Member elia's Avatar
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    Ako usa ka ex magpakamatay daw xa..
    ang usa kay iya daw Kulatahon kung makauyab kog lain... wehh.. to.o man... hehehe..

    Mas maayo pa walay ingon ana nga hulga hulga pakita lang gud nga love ka sa imo partner.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by elia View Post
    Ako usa ka ex magpakamatay daw xa..
    ang usa kay iya daw Kulatahon kung makauyab kog lain... wehh.. to.o man... hehehe..

    Mas maayo pa walay ingon ana nga hulga hulga pakita lang gud nga love ka sa imo partner.

    sakto ka sis..
    kani man gd akong amiga kai iyang current uyab dghan na kaaug na invest niya.
    mao cgru hadLok gyud mawaLa bah.
    haLos mugasto gd sa tanan butang iyang uyab..

  7. #37
    if ako tngali ang i threaten kay paksit jd dayn heheh
    if moingon maghikog cya gaan jud nako kutsilyo
    if d cya dunggab ako nlang dunggab nya pra nya

  8. #38
    hahay..ilad mn ng ingon ana oi...
    binata style..eheheh..

  9. #39
    haha! in my past, i just laugh at it now...

    'twas 2 weeks before sa among thesis defense para makagraduate, we broke up na months before pa but he was still hopeful that we will be together again, when he found out that someone's interested on me and i was entertaining the text messagese and calls of that person(cause he's a friend) he threw my first ever camera fon and scared me to death that he will erase my thesis, told him that if he'll do that dili na jud mi magbalik, nya gierase man jd sa amaw akong thesis! so wa jd mi nagbalik hehe

    to make the story short, nkagraduate gihapon ko and did not talk to my ex anymore and im now very happy and contented (praise God!) with my relationship sa katong guy nga gisilusan sakong ex sauna hehe!

    God is so goog jud, He gives you what you need, not what you wanted

  10. #40
    ^ goodness sd sis oie!! as in ge erase jd ang thesis? nah d jd bya LaLim.. tsk.. yeah right..
    he's not right for you.. as i aLways say, better to Lose a Lover than to Love a LOSER!!

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