I'm not sure if somebody asked this before, I tried searching for it but I can't seem to find the specific topic that I'm looking for. What about my boyfriend's X? Your girl/boyfriend's X?
Here's the situation. It's not really a problem but more of like a habit of mine. I just want to know your opinion about it. Or how would you feel if you were in my place? Share your opinion about this issue please.
Situation : I just have this habit of digging into my boyfriend's past. I want to know everything about his EXES. I don't think I'm insecure but I just want to know about his past. Every bit of detail. I have this other habit as well of "stalking" my boyfriend's Exes sometimes like looking for pictures and digging up stories, then I have the tendency then to compare myself and sometimes feel bad about it.Stupidity. I know. Why compare right or look into my boyfriend's past when I know that I'd probably just get hurt after staring at their pictures or whatnot. Is there something wrong with me? Anybody else here can relate with this certain habit of mine?
Still not getting my point? Let me give you an example : Like for example. I have a my supladito boyfriend right now. He brought his cellphone with him when he came over to our house and of course since it was an old phone there are pictures of him and his ex there. The happy and inlove stage of their relationship. I immediately grabbed his cellphone and scanned every inch of his phone. "Nangukay" is our term. I'd smile when I look at their picture and I don't know, I think the reason why I get jealous or feel bad is because I see my boyfriend happy with someone else. Forgetting the fact that it's part of the PAST and I'm the present and hopefully the future.
I think I just answered my own question there.
I answered my question as to why I feel bad every time I see his old photos with his X. Looking all happy and inlove.
Well, if you guys have anything to say to my stupidity feel free to reply. Tell me something that I don't know. I'll probably realize something with your help guys.
Anyone here has a similar situation? How do you deal with your boy/girlfriend's X? Do you compare yourself? I hate the fact that I unconsciously compare myself and then feel bad after. Pointless.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
Feel free to say anything here.