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  1. #141

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    tell rootcon that if they want all of cebu to join they make it a good offer cause to begin with they approached us to use our computers if unsa pa sila untay mu bayad or give it for free if we can also advertise and etc... have more solid background to the negotiations and not just have a pending feeling then people will just find it dodgy the payment is nothing but the morality is something that people treasure more than just money

    this is as far as i know of what has been passed down by people said so if there is any other side of the story please do tell

  2. #142

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    Quote Originally Posted by blizzaga4 View Post
    Register first and mind the reg fee later kay murag limited kaayu ang slots na.
    i thought pwede ma dungagan og slots ? cause you know there are alot of people that are interested to join or have a potential to join. just to confirm lng kay wala pa kaau ko ka sure kay wala pa na file ako leave basin ma ko

  3. #143

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    Quote Originally Posted by blizzaga4 View Post
    Still coordinating pa with my prospect sponsors para ma ubos jud maayu ang registration fee. Hopefully 150php nlng.

    Register first and mind the reg fee later kay murag limited kaayu ang slots na.
    why na limited nman ang slots ron boss? na ana ka while backreading ani nga thread pwede pa ma stretch ang slots,nya wa pa gud kaabot 25 ang mangapil.... nag clarify lang lang interested pud unta ko,pero wa pako ka himog final decision wether muapil or dili...

  4. #144

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    When I said it's limited I did not mean that it's up to a point of only 25 slots. Maybe it could reach to 30. Just using the word "limited" para dli sad ta maka ingon na kutob sad ni 100 slots

    you don't have to pay yet you will still be entitled to a certificate and giveaways from my prospect sponsors but you don't get to receive the badge and tshirt. I will edit my first post on that.
    Last edited by blizzaga4; 06-22-2011 at 08:38 AM.

  5. #145

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    Updated the registration fee please check 1st post.

  6. #146

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    Nice man ni but still waiting unsa ang decision sa CEBU if mu join me or dili..

  7. #147

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    those options blizzaga are to be choose or fixed on what is the agreement ? cause it looks like the payment or the registration fee is optional by choice to the person correct or you are meaning majority choose then that would be the final decision just making sure everything can be understood before jumping in the water.

  8. #148

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    it's optional for the participant if he wants to purchase the shirt and badge....

  9. #149

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    Quote Originally Posted by blizzaga4 View Post
    it's optional for the participant if he wants to purchase the shirt and badge....
    for me the fee is not the problem for me...
    make sure only the power is correct...i mean how can u ensure the safety of the power i u required the participant to bring thick xtension cables...its a very big problem because dli tanan rig mangapil kay low power like sa rig ni bakwak ug sa mga RN,,bakwak's rig can consume more than 500watts! and also kung mangapil cla spaniardz kay iya rig consume pud na morethan 500watts...
    Last edited by zoters; 06-22-2011 at 08:02 PM.

  10. #150

    Default Re: ROOTCON is proud to bring PROJECT - X, a mid - to high level comp expo

    yes pahibaw lng mi na we dnt like to see people complaining and getting their parts busted because lack of preparation luoy sad kaau among mga parts if ma guba na and if ma guba then who will pay ?? what about the switch boards are they prepared ? mind you this is not to bash at you but it is to help you have better input on things if you ever plan to make events like this cause it will greatly reflect on you our group has done alot of lan parties already and some have seen the numbers that we already capable of handling so if you think this is a troll then think again this is assistance cause some of us wants to join this but have doubts that it might be bad for us because of previous experience not gonna say what event it is...

  11.    Advertisement

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