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  1. #111

    luoya sa mga biktima uy. nakadawat jud ug pinaskuhan ang mga justices

  2. #112

    Default +1 bro

    Quote Originally Posted by z3robeLow View Post
    the webbs were crucified by the circus trial and the media - they were pronounced guilty by the media without any iota of evidence. there was not one evidence admitted in court about forensics - DNA, blood type, etc. everything was hinged on the unhinged testimony of alfaro. imagine losing 15 years of your life solely because of the testimony of one crackhead. remember she couldn't even identify tonyboy lejano in court!! tonyboy disguised as a reporter and she didn't recognize him. that means she was lying the whole time when she said she knew them.

    silly thing is naa nka sa US nya nag-eenjoy, mokalit ra kag uli sa pinas para mo patay? sloppy job of the nbi is an understatement. and that alfaro witness... she's tainted. stupid to have based everything solely on the statements of a dopehead . . has it occurred to them na maybe the prosecutors knew base sa DNA na dili jud sila webb.. pero too late na to backtrack? same gud sa ninoy murder. mao na dili jud nila i-submit sa courts.. both families/sides.. pareha ra nag suffer.. pagka convict ni webb.. happy nas lauro.. karon nabali na pd.. webb nasab na happy.

    i have this friend in college who lives in BF.. kahibaw man sila na dili sila webb.. some rich tyrant in paranaque was the real murderer... he paid people to kill the vizcondes, (bad blood with lauro) then implicated webb et al because apparently they were the easiest to frame up... they were the neighborhood addicts, but they were definitely not murderers.
    i are some facts that could somehow justify the statement quoted above...

    the seven justices who favored the acquittal of the suspects are Associate Justices Associate Justices Roberto Abad, Jose Mendoza, Conchita Carpio-Morales, Diosdado Peralta, Lucas Bersamin, Jose Perez and Ma. Lourdes Cereno while Chief Justice Renato Corona, Associate Justices Martin Villarama, Teresita Leonardo-De Castro at Arturo Brion are the four justices who are against the acquittal...

    the seven justices in favor of the acquittal are expert in evidence...the fact that they all teach the subject Evidence in law schools, a subject under Remedial Law... in addition, it was first said by Supreme Court spokesman Atty. Midas Marquez that Jessica Alfaro's testimonies were full of inconsistencies...

  3. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by porbidaman View Post
    luoya sa mga biktima uy. nakadawat jud ug pinaskuhan ang mga justices
    From the Justices and Staff of Our Most Esteemed Supreme Court...

    Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year! Nakadawat nami sa among bonus, kamo?

  4. #114
    ON a quick glance of the case I have to ask, is the Supreme Court now a trier of facts all of a sudden?

    Secondly, I find it incredible that the Court finds it hard to believe that immigration documentation can be fabricated and that it also finds incredible the possibility that Webb, can enter and leave the country in secret. Where have these justices been living, under a rock? Haven't they heard about Ping Lacson? They don't even know where Ping Lacson is, and our NBI can't even say whether he is inside or outside of the country. So what marijuana is our Supreme Court smoking?

    And just as I suspected nearly all of the so-called witnesses of the defense for the construction of their alibi are either friends or relatives of the Webbs. That alone should markedly reduce the value of their witness testimony. Their testimony was not subject to as intense a scrutiny by the Court as the testimony of independent witnesses who have nothing to gain and everything to lose in testifying against the Webbs. This is why despite the numbers, alibi testimonies of friends and relatives shouldn't be allowed to trump witnesses who are uninterested third parties who have no connection with either the victim or the accused and who have nothing to gain in lying. The so-called holes in the testimony of the guard and the maid were blown way out of proportion to their actual weakness by the judges. For example, the fact that Alfaro and the guard's testimony regarding the order in which the cars left the subdivision, is made to look as if it is some fatal flaw, when in fact whether this car or that came out first is completely irrelevant to the fact that both cars left the subdivision. That is all that matters. Perhaps the guard could not recall the order in which the cars left, but what he did recall was the fact that the cars did leave. Second the court makes huge presumptions on the guard's state of mind, as to why he didn't log the entry of Webb. Sometimes guards can be lazy and perhaps he didn't bother to log his entry that time, I'm sure that would not have been the first time, but that in itself does not defeat the credibility of his testimony that he saw him that night. The logbook is not the witness, the guard is!

    Also just as I suspected, the case is a prime example of flip-flopping established doctrines of precedence. The doctrine I am speaking of is the doctrine that considers alibi as the weakest defense. The court even says so in the decision itself, that it is overturning this doctrine and apparently we are entering a new frame of thought in the treatment of alibi as a reliable defense against witness testimony by the prosecution. While I believe that the old doctrine did need to be thrown out the window, I find it amusing that the court decided this particular case to be the catalyst for creating a new doctrine that will be followed in all future cases. I just wonder about all those other murder cases where the accused had been convicted despite the existence of alibi. Is this intelligent court now prepared to review all those cases, in the interest of justice? After all, alibi witnesses now hold new esteem in the eyes of the court, so it's only fair that they do so. Let's release more murderers, even those who can't afford to pay off judges! In the interest of justice and fairness...

    Lastly they keep trying to label Alfaro as a stool pigeon of the NBI, as if labeling her as such immediately opens her to mockery that such a label attaches to the imagination. They mentioned that Alfaro was responsible for the arrest and conviction of several drug lords, and yet they have the gall to make her appear like a common criminal whose only interest is in collecting fees for informant work. Are they now prepared to acquit those drug lords as well, after all, their conviction relied only on the testimony of this so called "stool pigeon" of the NBI? See, I think the court has opened a whole can of worms in their rush to justify their Christmas bonus from the Webbs.
    Last edited by RMK711; 12-14-2010 at 09:03 PM.

  5. #115
    my heart breaks for lauro viszconde. he lost his family and made it his life's mission to give them justice but after 20 years, all for nothing. i give webb some benefit of doubt because the prosecution's evidence against him was a bit loose. for the other accused, not sure if they deserved to be freed or not.

    sino ba naman kasi ang nagwala nung semen sample!? good job guys!

  6. #116
    the hunt for Jessica Alfaro is on...

  7. #117
    Senior Member
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    May 2005
    Mka high blood man ni oi. Pirting dugaya bah. Tsk.

  8. #118
    what is happening to our justice system?

  9. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by tophat View Post
    what is happening to our justice system?
    What do you mean what's happening? It's always been this awful. Hahaha...

  10. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    What do you mean what's happening? It's always been this awful. Hahaha...
    i mean it was indeed awful, but now it has gone to the dogs!

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