i think ISRAEL won the war with the divine intervention. they had their backs against the wall. they had their nukes ready for deployment. syrian tanks just miles to tel aviv. then suddenly, with luck (understatement), they got things around. 'even got golan heights and west bank after. Truly, they are God's people.
kinda same thing during world war II. when the americans turned it around after the battle of midway with luck (understatement again).
Poor Allah, couldn't help his beloved followers during this war.
China will be #1 overall in less than 30 years. Soo obvious!! Americans are still sending businesses there because they're paying workers for $1/day. Toilet papers aren't even produced in the US anymore. HA! Time will come, Americans might desperately send themselves to China because it is impossible to live in the LAND OF THE FREE. Living in a communist country will be the only choice of survival. In fact now, US middle class citizens are slowly dying with UNEMPLOYED marked on their foreheads because of the governments keep sending jobs to China!
Ok guys, answer this... do you think China became #2 just overnight? This might find you very interesting. https://www.cia.gov/library/publicat.../2187rank.html [China #1, USA #190]
I see there are quite large number of people here are supporting China. Someone posted that it's time to learn Chinese, implying that we should start associating ourselves to a communist country -- this guy is thinking backwards. Apparently to some Filipinos, they want censorship, unsafe water and air and treat female babies like disposable garbage and leave them floating in some polluted rivers.
SAY NO TO COMMUNISM! Spread the word!!!!
Communist in name rana sila uy.. Anyway they aren't saying to learn Chinese in order to support them, but so we can do business with them and make our country richer. You don't have to like someone to do business with them, same with countries. Let's not admire them for their system, but for their ability to generate wealth and improve the lives of their people. What's the point in having a system like ours which supposedly is the best just because it's democracy, but then look around you man.. some people here live worse than animals. It's a disgrace. Ask the squatters here if they want to live and work like an ordinary person in Shanghai and I'm pretty sure all of them will prefer to live there. Freedom is good, but only if you're rich. Nobody cares about the right to vote or watch Wowoweee on TV if they can't eat three meals a day...
I'd also point out that theirs is not a completely repressive government. Many Chinese are free to leave the country, and because many are rich, they are able to study and work in western countries. In the Philippines, we are free to leave our country too but few do because most can't afford. You're correct sir that they are not democratic, but I don't think we are either. The same families have been in government for the past 100 years so maybe we are not a democracy after all.
Di sad ko ganahan anang communist. But China is not communist. You can say that we are more communist than they are if you look at our economic policies. China is one of the most pro-capitalist countries in Asia today, it is easy to do business there that is why most American companies locate their factories in China. In the Philippines, in order to appease the NPA, we have had to pass so many laws that originally came from communist ideas. Did you know that CARP and agrarian reform are leftist ideas? Also minimum wage law, etc. These are all communist, so are we a communist country?
and you people are planning to work and live in china?...ROFL, long live u filipinos!
ISRAEL ARMED FORCES bai is purely SKILLS . They dont even have a SAF ( Special Action Force ) because all of them are SPECIAL FORCES . At the age of 17 , you are already a KILLING MACHINE .
Anyways ... so much for that about a country not capable of defending maski sourrounded na .
Back to the topic about CHINA .
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
i dont think so.......far from reality
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