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  1. #1

    Question Are People in General Becomming more desperate for affection?

    I have noticed in my more recent dating experiences over the past two years that women are fare more eager to skip the "Getting To Know You" phase of courting and go straight to the exclusive ideas of long term commitment. I am curious as to why anyone would put that much significance into a relationship when they are not even sure of who that person is?
    Is it wrong to become uncomfortable having that many expectations placed on you so quickly? Or should I be looking at it more like a compliment that someone would become so enamored of me so quickly as to volunteer so much trust and expectation?

  2. #2
    C.I.A. Sol_Itaire's Avatar
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    good question. i guess the answer is yes.

  3. #3
    yes.... maybe yes...

  4. #4
    you got it right...
    things does really change considering it as a dynamic one...

  5. #5
    well, that is the evolution of the society and in getting to knw u phase... in regards to such.... women are indeed very demanding and would really tolerate much of ur time if needed....

    it is much ok if u would enjoy each others company and the relationship that u had. rather than pretending..... kasi super hirap.....

  6. #6
    yes.... mura man ni ma relate nko sa filipino namo kad2ng evolution of man ni charles darwin bah....

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by bonjovax View Post
    I have noticed in my more recent dating experiences over the past two years that women are fare more eager to skip the "Getting To Know You" phase of courting and go straight to the exclusive ideas of long term commitment. I am curious as to why anyone would put that much significance into a relationship when they are not even sure of who that person is?
    Is it wrong to become uncomfortable having that many expectations placed on you so quickly? Or should I be looking at it more like a compliment that someone would become so enamored of me so quickly as to volunteer so much trust and expectation?
    answer is yes bro before pod ka mo sod ana must maayo to know the person more not only the compliments sometimes a person will not yet tell the truth bout himself or herself cause going into a seryos realtionship you and your partner be together both must love, care ,comfort ,help, trusted, honest, respect og kamong duha malipayon mo og magka sinabot mo and also forgive to each other og both of you must have good attitudes, moves og style and also *** kana onya na lang na sa sakto na time kana goro minyo namo og ready namo sa inyong life ana actually sad bro bisan laki ko ha kasagaran mag bino-ang sa mga babae ang laki man gyud especially this days but actually di man pod tanan laki ing-ana ky ako gani reverse gani to ang nahitabo nako its very painful sa ako but i must move on and past is past most important is the present even though single nalang ko ani at least im ok happy especially this is my second life dapat man gyud patay nako milagro na lang gyud to gi taga-an goro kog second life ky na-a pa koy purpose i had still a mission and maybe someday i'll find the right partner but to tell you karon sad na panahon kasagaran pod sa mga babae ky appearance man ang tan-awon gud pero di man tanan babae ing-ana kaso lang lisod na pangita-on most important mas maayo man gyud na inner beauty tan-awon og una not the appearance

  8. #8
    naigo ko kad**** dah!. hehe..

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