Bad news! tak takun ka kung tapulan ka!
hahaha.... d man kah putlan og kuryente?
what do u mean??are u currently working in veco??i'm planning to apply der next week..hoping...unsa man culture didto??Originally Posted by pards
dnt bother nalang abby...kay bati. trust me. ky akong mga kauban nangita nag kabalhinan.
bati na ang veco karon kay aboitiz na ang ga handle...
dili na kaayo nindot kay stricto na kaayo... tihik mana sila gud...
to celeron:
Are you comparing VECO'S salary to call center rate? Siyempre much lower gyud siya diba...Somebody told me may yearly increase daw and other benefits sad...
Can you tell me unsa ila reason why mubalhin sila??a more specific reason..please pm me.. thanks..
i know som1 hu works in VECO... nice daw ang place and people... of course the benifits.. the best walay maka lupig... yearly increase, sack of rice, libre kuryente, free medical and hospitalization... dili pajud limited nimo the whole family will benifit for it... and uban pa.. wer not counting the bonuses na ila ihatag... trust me... nindot jud ingon niya suya gani ko.
pero comparing sa before ug krn mas nindot sauna... krn kay aboitiz na... mas istrikto krn pero kung makaya nimo... promise you dili ka mag basol... mark my word....
huna-hunaa na walay competensya ang veco... mao dili ka mahadlok mu work kay ikaw ra sa whole cebu... kung maka pasar ka, you mayb 1 of those lucky ones...
actually, dli man libre ang kuryente sa mga employees. naa japon bayran. and there are talks nga wagtangon na na nga privilege...and about wlay competition, just wait..mga october open na nya..meralco n co will come, dats y ang veco karon naning kaau in improving their services ky nana naman nya competensya. and about salary, layooooooo ra kaau sa expectations. but knowing aboitiz nga tihik...well![]()
i think you will not be terminated if you are not lazy no employer will terminate those people who are good and can be trusted
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