Y do most of this people who earn big in a Networking company buy expensive inpractical cars? We seen this people ride expedition, ford F 150 or 800t-3M cars on the street then seing them living in a low end villas, cmom residential areas, apartments etc. What i dont get this is that, they have seminars everyday on how to get customers, to earn big, marketing strategys in an upscale caliber, inviting expert sucesful people to help them sell this products but they never teach them how
to use or how to spend ther earnings smartly...y not they include on ther sminars on how to nvest on good stable business,
franchise on big chain food business like Mcdo,jollibbee or bos,thirsty,pizza hut,mr. dunot,kentcky etc. or buy good property like boracay lots, lapu lapu bech lots etc. or just make it simple, time deposite on banks?
They always tell you or let you see ther checks like 50t a week or 600t a month then at the end of the day they are back
again on the streets giving flyers with a dfrent networking company, no cars and money..
I just cant imagine y this company allowed that to happned,makin this people work for ther own benefit, making this people work for them 24/7..like a slave.
can anyone sugest about this? like if you wnt to help people get rich? then give this people wat they dserve, give then guidance, make them ready to handle a million pesos income, help then to be rich mentaly and finacialy..