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  1. #1

    Default how to upgrade your speed net without upgrading your plan. . .?

    how to upgrade your speed net without upgrading your plan. . .?

  2. #2

    Default Re: how to upgrade your speed net without upgrading your plan. . .?

    heheheh what a question..Bitaw ambot unsaon naa mana sila bandwidth alignment..hehehe

  3. #3

    Default Re: how to upgrade your speed net without upgrading your plan. . .?

    It may be possible kung kaila nimo ang in-charge. Very unfortunate to those who will be affected kay gina-capped man nila ang overall bandwidth. hypothetical lang nga example, if the total bandwith of a certain switching network is 10Mbps, nya naa 10 kabuok subscribers in that area, by design mao ra gyud unta ang allowed number of subscribers to meet the required speed which shud be 1Mbps. Unless mausab pud ang overall bandwidth, ang speed sa uban subscribers (e.g. 9 kabuok) will be reduced kung ang usa mo increase to higher than 1Mbps. Sa mga experts, pls correct me if im wrong.

  4. #4

    Default Re: how to upgrade your speed net without upgrading your plan. . .?

    hastang lisora ana brod oi, unsaon na siya... kinsay naay idea diha, cge hatag mog hint.

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