and to add sad....unta Integrate ang GSM to VOIP. no need for Internet connection to connect to VOIP.....
again VOIP is not Skype....
and to add sad....unta Integrate ang GSM to VOIP. no need for Internet connection to connect to VOIP.....
again VOIP is not Skype....
ingon ana diay imo pa sabut lisod cgro na side sa mga telecommunication kai less kwarta
and skype is a voip lol
Skype (play /ˈskaɪp/) is a proprietary voice-over-Internet Protocol service and software application originally created by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis in 2003, and owned by Microsoft since 2011.
yes i know skype is A VOIp but not VOIP
hmm i will i explain this....
basin ug naay muingon VOIP bai Skype daun imu pagsabot. Skype is a client of any VOIP server. U dont have to lecture me of what skype is bro. I bet naa ka sa call center nag work..hehe..
Im a Net AD/SYS Ad bro so I know what is VOIP and u dont need to go to Wikipedia to explain. Skype is a Transport for VOIP in laymans terms....
basaha ra gud ako daan nga post na niingun ko na tanan calls of an ordinary sim kay i convert to to data. dri sa KSA duha ang types sa sim mapalit. DATA or Ordinary sim a they call it(call/text)...
so NO NEED for Internet connection lagi kay naa naman ang 3g. So what i mean is i INTEGRATE and GSM to VOIP without goin to wifi just to enjoy VOIP. route dretso ang Protocol ba....
pareha gud muadto ka bukid bro ug naay muingon motor ...HONDA ray nahibaw an...
like I said VOIP is not SKype but SKype is VOIP. hope u get my point....
mao sad bai ako unta pa sabut cgro skype is an example of an voip client? mao ra man ako na then dapat data connected dele pa man ingon ana ka deep ako na and dle ko call center bago ra ko ni graduate.
On Topic micrsoft will have an windows 8 show on june 20 showing windows 8 tablet and windows 8 phone which will have a multicolor processor
Ni sulti rana cya ana kay wala man cla multi-core karun.
ug unsa kahay software specs or apps ani nga maka pildi sa na uso nga android phones krn.
im a nokia user upto now..but he is a big looser..dugay na unta ni asesnso ang nokia but tungod sa iyaha kalaki tan awa ang nokia rn..nag microsoft instead mag andriod..
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