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  1. #81

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    exakto dyud ka ingon sya we know each other?wel daghan mi kaayo ni share of same thoughts about do u say kaila sad mi tanan?point dyan silveroni, u made a mistake. ur unethical and not a good seller.thats the message were relaying here.and fyi,ni isa dinhi,wla dyud ko kaila. its just that we all have ethics and good conduct thats why we all more or less share d same comment.

  2. #82

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    @zhaquiri......biliba sad nako nimo bro.mao diay.tama no?bago ra to ni join ang thetester no.hhahaa.pathetic.btw,gi pa taas ni na post cz as d original purpose of this post is for our fellow istoryans not to have a bad experience. and if you follow this thread,dito pa lang nag papakita na talga yang si silveroni f ano klasent tao sya.and i dont think anyone here can say hes good. sa point pa lang saying hel go to the place of a certain individual without warning? tama ba yan?for wat?mag caroling?funny. one again,this thread keeps on bumping for the purpose of other istoryans to be warned and avoid dealing with bad people.thats the whole point i ges why many istoryans bump this thread.

  3. #83

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    btw prickly....i totaly agree with you.hehe.daghan dyud intawon i have posted earlier,ok ra dyud unta ba f mag sulti before sa meet up ninyo. sa erlier post nako,i emphasize also na wla na ko nangita sa uban seller ug hamster bcz nag pa salig ning dats d gist db?so ng sabot mi tuesday,fri mi mag i waited 4days for nothing instead of looking for other sellers.d ba? btw wala dyud ko na sakitan. as ive mentioned already several times,this post is to help other istoryans not get a bad experience.thats it.

  4. #84

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya


    just ignore everyone here. kaw ray alkansi sa effort sa pag type. initon raka sa mga troll diri, naa toy usa nga troll ug naong diri. way labot mag apil2x ug away.

    this is just a small prick in life, scratch it and move on
    this thread won't help anyone but the trolls. but if you(the viewers) have absolutely nothing else better to do with your life, then by all means, go on trashing around this thread.

  5. #85

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    communication issues ra man cguro ni...usahay masayup ra ta or makalimut sad ba ug inform sa buyer...vice versa...sabtanyay lang ta usahay bisan makasaput na....peace!

  6. #86

    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    nang dahil sa hamster.. sumaka ang rabies.. wah. sabot2x lang mo mga master pde rana istoryahon.. ayaw na padak-a..

  7. #87
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Avoid dealing with this SILVERONI username dito sa istorya

    follow rules on how you conduct yourself when you are in the forums.

    Be nice and courteous. Nobody likes to be spoken to in a rude manner.
    i do not see this followed anywhere in this thread.
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

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