A very unprofessional person. hangol sa kwarta. someone who doesnt know how to honor wat we talked about.ma guba ra ang inyo mga plan or scedule because of this person.a person who committed to sell something, sets a date, den without any warning sold his stuff sa ibang tao. so sira na ang schedule and plan ng buyer. instead na maka pangita pa ko sa uban seller, nag huwat sad ko niya and i was surprised lang na wen i txd him on d day,wla na ko may na rcv na reply and dont answer my calls too.
so just a warning to those whos planning to deal with this person.unprofessional person who most probably has a product as unreliable as the source. hp mga ganitong tao wont exist here anymore.people who just gives istorya a bad name!!
traders here in istorya knows how to do business and and show respect. unlike this guy.sisirain lang ang name ng istorya.ng bibigay ng bad reputation.