Giddyyap ya old Cebu folks circa 70's and 80's, you go to a mall and see all these strangers and tourists, then you'll realize things arent just the same anymore in Cebu anymore...Time was when:
-there was just colon for shopping, if not Nace then Infini or that old botique where Pierre Angeli is now
-sunday beach meant Chua's or 7-up in Talisay, after buying lechon at Yarrow
-going to Mactan meant riding a ferry, compania maritima
-tartanillas were in the streets
-weekend dancing parties at someone's house
-resortless marigondon
-beehive, still there
-dairy queen in Mango
-bukid, bai disco
-ride a car and your'e bound to be waving or honking to many of your friends in the other cars
-yeh yeh vonel, revive, caronia, hour after hour, the tv ads of yore!