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  1. #1

    Default NH: TLDR is missing error message

    mogawas ni xa sa ako pc..
    unsa ni xa virus?

  2. #2

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    unsa na application ang imong gi-run na nigawas ni?

  3. #3

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    Are you sure that it's a "NH: TLDR is missing" or "NTLDR is missing"?

  4. #4

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    sorry.. NTLDR is missing diay... inig start sa ako pc mao na xa error msg nga mogawas

  5. #5

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    NTLDR is Missing
    Press any key to restart

    Boot: Couldn't find NTLDR
    Please insert another disk

    NTLDR is missing
    Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart

    1. Computer is booting from a non-bootable source.
    2. Computer hard disk drive is not properly setup in BIOS.
    3. Corrupt NTLDR and/or NTDETECT.COM file.
    4. Misconfiguration with the boot.ini file.
    5. Attempting to upgrade from a Windows 95, 98, or ME computer that is using FAT32.
    6. New hard disk drive being added.
    7. Corrupt boot sector / master boot record.
    8. Seriously corrupted version of Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
    9. Loose or Faulty IDE/EIDE hard disk drive cable.


    Windows XP users

    1. Insert the Windows XP bootable CD into the computer.
    2. When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.
    3. Once in the Windows XP setup menu press the "R" key to repair Windows.
    4. Log into your Windows installation by pressing the "1" key and pressing enter.
    5. You will then be prompted for your administrator password, enter that password.
    6. Copy the below two files to the root directory of the primary hard disk. In the below example we are copying these files from the CD-ROM drive letter "E". This letter may be different on your computer.

    copy e:\i386\ntldr c:\
    copy e:\i386\ c:\

    7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the CD from the computer and reboot.

  6. #6

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    ok tnx..

  7. #7

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    bro ingon ana pud ang problema sa akong pc.. the problem is that is abot nimo sa 2nd step as stated by junmar4 which is to press any key to boot from CD dli man pwede murag wlay function ang keyboard.. pero kung mo change ko sa set up sa bios using keyboard ok man siya... amy ideas??

  8. #8

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    Quote Originally Posted by baju83
    bro ingon ana pud ang problema sa akong pc.. the problem is that is abot nimo sa 2nd step as stated by junmar4 which is to press any key to boot from CD dli man pwede murag wlay function ang keyboard.. pero kung mo change ko sa set up sa bios using keyboard ok man siya... amy ideas??
    unsa na keyboard imong gamit? make sure kadtong ps2 kb not the usb or HID kbs.

  9. #9

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    basin naa na paslak nga floppy sa floppy drive inig start-up...tang tanga lng.. just my opininon...

  10. #10

    Default Re: NH: TLDR is missing error message

    @junmar4: sak2 gyud bro.. usb nga keyboard man gamit mao to wla mo detect ok na ako pc.. thanks...

  11.    Advertisement

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