b]Share 1PC with up to 30Users[/b]
NComputing Officestation is a multi-user computing access terminal that does not have a CPU, hard disc and memory, yet it functions as if it is an ordinary PC. You can turn your single PC with NComputing Officestation terminal up to 30Users using Win2k server OS and up to 10Users using WinXP Operating system.
Software requirements
for 30Users): MS win 2k OS Server based OS
for (10Users):MS Windows XP Desktop OS
Hardware requirements(for 30Users)
Minimum)Core 2Quad 2.4Ghz;6GB;320GB SATA
Minimum) Intel Pentium D 3.0Ghz; 2GB RAM; 160GB SATA...
Cost effective solution Save up to 80% of your hardware cost versus buying a P4 or equivalent PC.
Less Maintenance required. You only have to maintain and upgrade the host PC.
- Compatibility. It will run on Windows based applications on your Host PC; internet browsing, email, and office suites.
- Simultaneous Windows Operation. Both the host PC and NComputing Officestation terminals can run independently and execute
same application programs separately.
- Runs also in Linux
- Low monthly electrical consumption. Personal Computer uses 250watts min while Officestation uses 5watts.
For more information visit @:
or call to : MDR Microware Sales Inc.(VisMin Exclusive Distributor)
Tel # 032-2540161