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  1. #1

    Default batch file <cmd>

    How to make title credits batch file.?

  2. #2
    C.I.A. Sarevok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Blog Entries
    error... needs more information...

  3. #3
    :start @echo off
    color 0a
    set /a a=%random%
    if %a% geq 16384 set /a aa=1
    if %a% lss 16384 set /a aa=0
    set /a b=%random%
    if %b% geq 16384 set /a bb=1
    if %b% lss 16384 set /a bb=0
    set /a c=%random%
    if %c% geq 16384 set /a cc=1
    if %c% lss 16384 set /a cc=0
    set /a d=%random%
    if %d% geq 16384 set /a dd=1
    if %d% lss 16384 set /a dd=0
    set /a e=%random%
    if %e% geq 16384 set /a ee=1
    if %e% lss 16384 set /a ee=0
    set /a f=%random%
    if %f% geq 16384 set /a ff=1
    if %f% lss 16384 set /a ff=0
    set /a g=%random%
    if %g% geq 16384 set /a gg=1
    if %g% lss 16384 set /a gg=0
    set /a h=%random%
    if %h% geq 16384 set /a hh=1
    if %h% lss 16384 set /a hh=0
    set /a i=%random%
    if %i% geq 16384 set /a ii=1
    if %i% lss 16384 set /a ii=0
    set /a j=%random%
    if %j% geq 16384 set /a jj=1
    if %j% lss 16384 set /a jj=0
    set /a k=%random%
    if %k% geq 16384 set /a kk=1
    if %k% lss 16384 set /a kk=0
    set /a l=%random%
    if %l% geq 16384 set /a ll=1
    if %l% lss 16384 set /a ll=0
    set /a m=%random%
    if %m% geq 16384 set /a mm=1
    if %m% lss 16384 set /a mm=0
    set /a n=%random%
    if %n% geq 16384 set /a nn=1
    if %n% lss 16384 set /a nn=0
    set /a o=%random%
    if %o% geq 16384 set /a oo=1
    if %o% lss 16384 set /a oo=0
    set /a p=%random%
    if %p% geq 16384 set /a pp=1
    if %p% lss 16384 set /a pp=0
    set /a q=%random%
    if %q% geq 16384 set /a qq=1
    if %q% lss 16384 set /a qq=0
    set /a r=%random%
    if %r% geq 16384 set /a rr=1
    if %r% lss 16384 set /a rr=0
    set /a s=%random%
    if %s% geq 16384 set /a ss=1
    if %s% lss 16384 set /a ss=0
    set /a t=%random%
    if %t% geq 16384 set /a tt=1
    if %t% lss 16384 set /a tt=0
    set /a u=%random%
    if %u% geq 16384 set /a uu=1
    if %u% lss 16384 set /a uu=0
    set /a v=%random%
    if %v% geq 16384 set /a vv=1
    if %v% lss 16384 set /a vv=0
    set /a w=%random%
    if %w% geq 16384 set /a ww=1
    if %w% lss 16384 set /a ww=0
    set /a x=%random%
    if %x% geq 16384 set /a xx=1
    if %x% lss 16384 set /a xx=0
    set /a y=%random%
    if %y% geq 16384 set /a yy=1
    if %y% lss 16384 set /a yy=0
    set /a z=%random%
    if %z% geq 16384 set /a zz=1
    if %z% lss 16384 set /a zz=0
    echo %aa% %bb% %cc% %dd% %ee% %ff% %gg% %hh% %ii% %jj% %kk% %ll% %mm% %nn% %oo% %pp% %qq% %rr% %ss% %tt% %uu% %vv% %ww% %xx% %yy% %zz%
    goto a

  4. #4
    wow, that's really a set of instructions for that matter anyway. Care to share something with us anyway. I do want to see something like newest windows/dos commands if such do exists, in past in DOS times we do have BOOKS on that matter, what is now ?

  5. #5
    It's very very usefull tool if you do know how to implement all that in a very very correct way for example. See my point ? This should really work for whatever reason. I even make my win 10 loading itself to work after I will type "explorer" in my cmd window.

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