Co Jordan Residences - Consolacion
116 sqm property @ Php 9,500 / month for only 5 years
Property Type: Lot Only
Location: Tolo-tolo, Consolacion, Cebu
- Approx 3 km from National Highway entering from side of Consolacion Parish
Price/sqm: Php 5,000
Reservation: Php 10,000
Lot Area: 116 sqm - 141 sqm
Payment Scheme:
5 yrs to pay
No Downpayment
No Interest
116 sqm property @ Php 9,500 / month for only 5 years
Sample Computation (116 sqm @ 5 yrs to pay):
Lot Area: 116 sqm
Term: 5 years
Price/sqm: Php 5,000
Reservation / Processing Fee: Php 10,000
Monthly Amortization for 60 mos (5 yrs.): Php 9,500
Contact Us:
Ted4 Properties and Development Corporation
Mobile: 09989864427
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