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  1. #1

    Default HeLLpP!! ^^ mga master ug C...

    kinsay master diha gamit ug ANSI C?...
    patabang plsss...
    simple rani pra ninyu...

    asks the user to input a year...
    then displays the first month(January)...
    then asks the user again if he wants to continue to the next month(Y/N)...
    then..if its reaches December...
    it will ask the user if he wants to enter another year..?(Y/N) nsad..

    plss... help mga kuya/ate ^^..

    printf(" TABANG!!!");

  2. #2

    Default Re: HeLLpP!! ^^ mga master ug C...

    are you trying to make other people work the code for you? you are not going to be greeted well here...

    i know the code is supposedly easy, (just a bunch of printf and scanf), but come on this program is TOO easy to warrant a help. did your teacher just give this problem without giving THE BASICS on C? coz anybody would probably know the code with one or two 1hr classes. it doesn't take a 'master' to do this.

  3. #3

    Default Re: HeLLpP!! ^^ mga master ug C...

    i think our teacher had already discussed about this...
    but i was sick for a couple of weeks thats why i really have to catch up...
    but i can't think of some other way... coz this will be our last project for finals...

    pls can you help me...
    i dont really have some other choice...

    this will be my last chance to pass...

    i dont have to do this if i know what to do...

  4. #4

    Default Re: HeLLpP!! ^^ mga master ug C...

    saun ra ni doh!!


    programming 1 mani nga problem! hehehe

  5. #5
    ScrapeBox Development softtouch's Avatar
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    Default Re: HeLLpP!! ^^ mga master ug C...

    You must solve this simple problem by yourself.
    If you can't, you wont be able to solve real problems.
    If you can, you have learned your lesson and wont forget it anymore.

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