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  1. #1

    Default Need Help/Advice: Wavy horizontal Lines on monitor during Games.

    Hi, mangayo lang ko ug tabang/tambag.

    Naay horizontal wavy lines nga murag mag flicker sa akong monitor basta mag dula ko games. Mahitabo ra xa basta mag open ko ug game. If mag browse ra ko, watch movies. or during boot up sa PC walay wavy lines. Di xa klaro most of the time pero kung naay dark areas sa game like dark rooms/dungeons kay klaro xa. If open ang game nya mu-altab ko to browser nya dark ang background or them kay naa sad ang wavy lines.

    PC specs kay:
    q6600 + Asrock g41m gs3
    8gb ram

    asus gtx 750ti -Brand new
    Aerocool Rave 80+ 500W -brand new

    Ang akong monitor kay Viewsonic 1280*1024 res ra ni nya VGA ra iya connector
    Ang Asus 750ti kay naa ray VGA so mao ra ako gamit to connect.

    Nag search ko online naay similar issues naay uban possible failing PSU daw but mostly ana cla ang VGA connecter daw hinungdan kay prone to interference or old tech na daw. I doubt PSU or vcard prob xa kay brand new pa man or possible ba japun na? I doubt sad nga dili enough ang PSU kay di 750ti ra ako gamit although naa ni xa 6pin pero wala ko nag OC. If monitor sad, ako na na try ug isolate ang monitor from possible interference pero naa japun ang lines. Naglibog lang jud ko nganu during games ra sad xa naa, other than that wala jud xa.

    Namasin lang ko naay same/similar experience ani nga issue nga makatambag.

    Salamat daan.

  2. #2
    Here's what i can suggest:

    - Try using another Monitor, if wala na ang lines using another monitor, it could be possible that your monitor has dead pixels..
    - Try removing your GTX 750 Ti and use on-board graphics, it could be possible your GPU is defective that's why you're seeing those lines, during gaming, your GPU usage will spike, try also using another VGA cable, if possible use a DVI cable to connect your display..
    - Try changing or use another Power supply, .you must use a true rated 80+ PSU since your GPU requires 6pin. .
    - Since it's only happening on games and not through browsing, so it could be possible that it is just a software issue (your Windows or maybe your games are causing these issues). .so last option you can try is to clean install / reinstall your OS and games. .
    - Try reinstalling your GPU driver or install the latest version, reinstall your chipset drivers & update your BIOS..
    Last edited by wylliexhan; 10-16-2015 at 08:54 PM.

  3. #3
    gamiti og dvi ra plain instead of vga

  4. #4
    ilisi imo video cable. basi luag or naay static interference sa power cable (usually baratohon nga klase)

  5. #5

    Nvidia Control Panel >> Manage 3d Settings >> Global Settings >> Vertical Sync >> Adaptive Vsync or On

  6. #6
    Tnx sa mga nag reply.

    Solved na. Nakahulam ko lain monitor. Murag sa montor nga vga cable ang defect, kay sa lain monitor nga ako nahulam, VGA japun gamit, pero wala man lines. Ang kapaet sad ani akong monitor kay VGA ra jud xa then kato pa jud dili detachable ang cable so di nako mailisan. Tried sad using HDMI to VGA converter and wala sad lines pero mejo weird ang quality sa colors, di ko ka explain, pero ok ra man nuon xa.

    Anyway, the converter does the trick for now. Hinay2x lang kog tigum ani para new monitor by dec.


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