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  1. #1

    Default LF: targa Speaker

    targa speaker
    400 watts double coil

  2. #2

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker


  3. #3

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker


  4. #4

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    bai naa koy home theater brand samsung ang brand tx lang nya kung interested ka..09225478808 o PM lang ht-x20 ang model

  5. #5

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    Bro, I have a sub with enclosure Targa doual coil 400 watts seling it for 3.5K including the enclusure. just PM when you want to see it

  6. #6

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    bati mana ang targa bro na speaker kung woofer bro. kay gamay kau ug coil. nawng raman ganedot ana sa gawas kay built in ang grill nya but definitely gamay jud na sya coil ecompare nemu sa crown. the larger the coil the better. look at the original speakers like pioneer dagko jud na ug coil then bug at kau. i have my crown for computer trade if gusto ka. wala nko magamit kay nag dala ako erpat ug pioneer na speaker. brand new jud bro. then for sure better than targa for us ECE's becuase of its coil construction.

  7. #7

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    i have two 15" targa sub double coil 500w each coil. for 5K. pm lang kong ganahan ka.

  8. #8

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    Quote Originally Posted by warhorse
    bati mana ang targa bro na speaker kung woofer bro. kay gamay kau ug coil. nawng raman ganedot ana sa gawas kay built in ang grill nya but definitely gamay jud na sya coil ecompare nemu sa crown. the larger the coil the better. look at the original speakers like pioneer dagko jud na ug coil then bug at kau. i have my crown for computer trade if gusto ka. wala nko magamit kay nag dala ako erpat ug pioneer na speaker. brand new jud bro. then for sure better than targa for us ECE's becuase of its coil construction.
    ako bus bro vedioke. 5 years na so far targa maoy maayo kysa crown. price lang daan layo rana imomg crown. targa bsan 24 hrs d masunog tested na. crown sunog daun.

  9. #9

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    Kvoi YGPM

  10. #10

    Default Re: LF: targa Speaker

    Quote Originally Posted by warhorse
    kay gamay kau ug coil. nawng raman ganedot ana sa gawas kay built in ang grill nya but definitely gamay jud na sya coil ecompare nemu sa crown.
    usa ka coment bro tan awa usa ng targa 400w double coil ug built in ba ang gril. ky 4 sure murag la pka nka kita ana.double coil gani mas daghan na kysa ganahan ka crown cge padayon sa imong giBATI.

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