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  1. #1

    Default Maka daot bah sa health?

    Maka daot bah sa health ang pancit ug ang spagethe kun kada-adlaw ta mo kaon?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    Dili man siguro. Pero kinahanglan pud naay variety imong pagkaon...try to have a well balanced diet.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    well kanang process daw na noodles(the instant brands) kai naa daw gi butang gi butan that is bad for the health daw.. can't remember what.. was it wax? something like that...

    to be safe tanawa lang ang ingredients.. if kaila ka OK.. if dili... ayaw nalang...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    pancit and spag are basically processed carbohydrates (morag equivalent ra na sa atong rice sa Italians and Chinese) and are therefore not bad for your health (we do need carbs in recommended amounts)
    I guess the toppings and other ingredients that go into your spag/ pancit will determine how good your noodles are for your health

  5. #5

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    kanang Lomi mka daot sad nah, kay mao man gud na ako prme e lunch and dinner. favorite kasi nko nah (^_^)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    kanang mga instant kay naa daw wax which would accumulate in your stomach and have a long term effect
    ..the seasonings also contain MSG(Mono Sodium Glutamate),...also not good for your system

  7. #7

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    so ok ra diay ang pancit and Lomi? yehey i cant wait again for the dinner.. yum2x
    and spaghte too..!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    huna-huna-a na lang ang mga intsik ug Italiano... wa man lagi nadaot ang ilang health nga mao ra sige ug kaon...
    basta ayaw lang sab ng mga instant noodles kay naa man preservative ug taas ang salt content

  9. #9

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    Quote Originally Posted by Serene
    Dili man siguro. Pero kinahanglan pud naay variety imong pagkaon...try to have a well balanced diet.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Maka daot bah sa health?

    Quote Originally Posted by P-Chan
    well kanang process daw na noodles(the instant brands) kai naa daw gi butang gi butan that is bad for the health daw.. can't remember what.. was it wax? something like that...

    to be safe tanawa lang ang ingredients.. if kaila ka OK.. if dili... ayaw nalang...
    this is not true....

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