Looking for a fast, reliable and strong internet connection? Then this is for you.

For only 6k, Package includes LTE modem, outdoor antenna and an LTE sim card of you choice.

No connection fees. No installation fees. No contracts.

Why? Because you only need to subscribe your LTE sim to any available LTE plans for 30days. Insert the sim into the modem. Plug the modem and turn it on. And your good to go!

So what are you waiting for? It's never late to realize that there are things in this world that we are not aware of.

So grab one now! You can contact me on my mobile at 09438725312.

You can also check my facebook page BeWiseBeThrifty.



http://www.olx.ph/index.php/view+classifieds/id/69841485/Sim-based+LTE+Router ..