So I've been reading up on topics regarding the B593S-22 nga router. Been learning quite a lot. Came across something from another forum that I wanted to get istorya members' input on.
We all know kasagaran sa mga gipang baligya diri kay mga gipang openline nga units from Globe, para magamitan ug Smart LTE or another network's sim card. My question is bisag Globe ang control panel makita, would there be any benefit kung brand new nga unit (bought from a retailer like Interpace, etc.) ang imo kuhaon or openlined nga unit unya gi debrand (reflashed firmware to show Huawei control panel, not Globe's) in terms of speed? Kay sa akong nabasahan kung e.debrand ang unit kay naa daw ma tabang in terms of speed as opposed to just leaving it with the Globe control panel.