Lets help each other together and forget evrything for now. Why is this hard to achieved if your Real FILIPINO?
Bring your know how and skills in one table and compete with other countries.
Straight to the point opposition people. Tell the Administration of your fair, like checking your life style and income and also to the administration stop digging graves for now, let's give opposition corrupt and greedy politicians a chance and also to corrupt Aministration politicians also.
Let's move on and make the best for the Philippines.
I know most of you Politicians are growing up from Politician parents and well to do family. Give up your pride do not corrupt in order to keep up your life style as before, you might end up in jail by doing so or your next generation willl suffer the consequences.
True Filipino will work hard for the good of FIlipinos but not to demolish the reputation of Filipino people.
Say SORRY to the people you have encountered before and implement the Agrarian reform and give share to the farmers, like Hacienda Luicita. Don't be greedy because the money maybe that they invetsted to that properties might be coming from the peoples money out of the Central BAnk of PINAS.
Share your wealth like what the bible say, the more you share the more blessings you will have.
And I will say GODBLESS to all Filipinos, give all PEace and make love instead of war.