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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014

    Default newbie question about Autosol metal polish!

    mga bossing, knsa ninyu nka suway na ug Autosol metal polish (Liquid) is it safe for the car paint? ila ge advertise as metal bare metal rjud, like chrome etc.. pero im not really sure if safe or effective ba gyud siya para sa car paint. then if okay ra sya mga bossing, any tips on cleaning your car?

    and mga boss, pila kaha inyung estimate para pa ship ug awto? cebu-manila mga boss.

  2. #2
    ©Jedi Cook♂ KE-25's Avatar
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    Let me get your question right your planning to use Autosol metal polish on car paint? and shipping depending on vehicle , for usual cars a couple of years back it cost me 12-14k one way.

    Master Yoda's Quote “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    yes sir. Autosol metal polish on car paint. hehe. ive been researching, and they say its not good for car paint since it has abrasive properties that could damage the paint. but im not sure how damaging it can be. some international forums also tell that its fine, but shouldnt be your first choice in making a car shine. ive tried it on an old car of mine. it got all the dirt off and some of the scratches, shined good, but i dont know how long or if it will damage the car later on. any comments? hihi.

  4. #4
    Polishing compound tingali ang imong gipangita ug dili metal polish, it does remove some amount of paint (clear coat paint or top coat) when you use it.

    If you wish to (virtually) not remove any amount of paint, simply wash the surface with detergent or car shampoo to soften the dirt then rinse well to remove it. Use clay bars to remove some dirt not removed by washing then use carnauba wax and buff it to shine. You can wax it for several layers (3 to 5 layers) for a deep looking shine, this way dirt can be removed easily the next time you wash the surface with just water and your paint is not touched directly since you have that wax barrier on top. You'll only use a polishing compound when you need to level the surface, usually done on an already cured paint after having a paint job.

    Pag google lang unsaon pag gamit sa clay bar ug unsay mga pamaagi pag wax sa surface. It is best to use wax without the cleaning compound kay mohilis gyud na ug pintal, kasagaran ra ba baligya nga wax naa pud apil nga cleaners or polishing compound in it, sa sige nimo ug gamit sige pud makuhaan imong pental. Lihayi pud sige trapo sa imong auto without some layer of protection like layers of wax aron di na dali mauphag. The good thing is carnauba wax can last for several months on the surface so you'll only repeat the waxing process maybe every six months lang or less.

    Aron di gyud dali madaot ang pental, nindot gyud mag parking sa dili init nga lugar aron di kaayo bun-og imong pental ug ang mga plastic sulod sa sakyanan.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014
    yes sir vernie thanks for your helpful tips pero what im asking is SAFE/EFFECTIVE rba ang Autosol Metal Polish for car paint? pwde rba na sya gamiton? or mka daot na syas imung pintal? kai what i have now is Autosol Metal Polish, ni palit ko ani para sa akng mga chrome sa bike and metals sa balay. pero pwde rba na sya sa car paint as ANOTHER means of polishing? yes, i know mas effective jd kung polishing compound jd akong gamiton. i'm just asking kng safe ra ba ang Autosol Metal Polish for car paint since maoy naa nku karun, then wala pa koi budget mka palit ug polishing compoun. silbi last resort nku ang Autosol Metal Polish. hehehe kng naa na koi kwarta il surely buy a polishing compound like meguiars or mothers.

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