There's a difference between a private school and a public school. Which one trumps the other is a subject for another debate. But regardless, the constitution and the DepEd manual of operations specifically states that these beacons of learning should work in unison with each other. It is also important to note that not all private schools are created equal. While most of the private schools before are funded by large private corporations, there are sprouting schools of a lesser variety run by sole proprietors or average families. Hence, in these private school classification, funding may be less than the public schools. In present day, public school teachers might be earning around PHP12000-PHP20000, while some of their private school counterparts are waged at a measly PHP4000-PHP15000.

I've recently attended a conference of Private School Administrators and probably the reason why I want to make this thread. I have received qualms and feelings of uncertainty from parents and students alike. This is in relation to the K-12 curriculum in general and the MTB-MLE subject in particular. To date these are some of the problems experienced by the private sector:
1. No book to date has been tailor-fitted to comply with the provisions of the K-12 curriculum guides;
2. Curriculum guides are incrementally updated, hence, still incomplete;
3. MTB-MLE learning materials have been posted online but no textbook has been made for Sinugbuanong Binisaya;
4. Training has been mostly focused on the public sector;
5. Changes are still premature and provisions from the government are incomplete;
6. Records have gone paperless and yet the amount of work is escalated;
7. Adapting K-12 requires a steep learning curve yet time is inadequate;
8. Because of the impending Senior High School, there is an over-saturation of teachers specializing TLE leaving less to the other specializations;
9. The cost of foregoing with a Senior High School and all the NC from TESDA is too much;
10. Little to no cost public education leaves the private schools with a decline in enrollment.

These are only some of the dilemmas in brief.

As a resource on K-12 learning materials and MTB-MLE resource, you can visit DepEd Learning Portal

If printed and hard bound, it may cost up to PHP3000.00 from Kindergarten to Grade 10. Curriculum guides for Senior High School are also now available. You can also visit the CDAPSA website for updates at CDAPSA Website

How are your children faring with the K-12 curriculum in Private Schools?
Don't you think the public schools are way ahead in K-12 than the private schools?
You've often heard of people saying: "Cebuanos are better in speaking English". Do you think our province is still better off with the MTB-MLE?