One lazy afternoon Mom and I decided to try this beef called Wagyu, we bought a kilo of it, 3 1 inch slices (note no bones). There are different markets selling it both in the states and Japan. People have sworn by it being the best of the best in steaks. Some people say its a cross between Kobe and Angus, the japanese do a lot of work to grow and perfect it. It is simply a beautiful looking cut of beef with awesome marbling within it thus the melt in your mouth expression, it is as soft as it can get even when cooked Medium well. On to the kitchen folks...It was funny mom and I clothed it to get a bit of the moisture, heated pan with Olive oil (decided to use pan vs. grill ) then gave it 2 - 2.5 mins on each side, getting a good texture to it, tested it, gave it an extra 30 secs. then placed on plate, poured a dash of salt and pepper (thats it), once sliced it was truly very soft, one of the softest ive tried, it slides in your mouth feeling it easily chewed, felt the marbling mix with the beef, mouthwatering. Although after a while, here's the not so good news, the flavor, for some reason mom and I thought, there was something missing to the flavor we later both agreed the certified Angus beef had more flavor.
All in all it is a wonderful cut of beef, very soft in fact one of the softest ive had but I think chef's use it best for terriyake cuts or with some sauce because of the lack of flavor.
My 2 cents