If you are having problems with your password, please try and use the "
Forgot Password" link at the login page. If that doesn't work, drop an email to
beorski@gmail.com and state your problem together with your username and email address. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Seems like it is due to the char set update.
If you are having problems with your passwords, please reset them using the “Forgot Password” option at the login page. We have upgraded from an old version of php to a new one and the passwords need to be rehashed. If you need help, please drop an email to
beorski@gmail.com stating your username, email address used in your account, and your desired password (you can change this later). Please use the same email address that you registered with your account.
Please try to check your Spam / Junk folder. The email might have been filtered there.