The story begins when 30,000 Japanese gamers are trapped in the fantasy online game world Elder Tale. What was once a sword-and-sorcery world is now the real world. The main lead Shiroe attempts to survive with his old friend Naotsugu and the beautiful assassin Akatsuki.
Anime fans who loves Sword Art Online, Btoom, etc....
This is a must watch.
I think it's fair to say, as soon as someone sees the words; 'Stuck' and 'Online World' in the same sentence, they mainly think of Sword Art Online. So it's pretty easy to see why a lot of people would think this Anime would be a lot like Sword Art Online.
However with Log Horizon, that is not the case.
For one, the main character is a realistic gamer, and not some incredibly photogenic Overpowered teenager, who just so happened to practice martial arts when he was younger. Instead, the main character of Log Horizon is an elite couch potato, with a mind made of pure strategy-sauce and a rather lanky and skinny frame, which is great, because most 'elite' gamers are a lot like this in real life.
The supporting characters are a great deal more 'down to earth' than Sword Art Online's cast as well, their purposes as characters are a lot more obvious and the way the Lead's companion's mind's work in tandom with his borders on the scary.