I have a friend here who is asking for me to install here PC but I don`t have a bootable disk. Can any one knows how to make a bootable disk using PC? need your help.
I have a friend here who is asking for me to install here PC but I don`t have a bootable disk. Can any one knows how to make a bootable disk using PC? need your help.
To create an MS-DOS startup disk
The MS-DOS startup disk you create will allow you to boot into MS-DOS.
1. Insert a floppy disk into your computer's floppy drive.
2. Open My Computer, and then click the floppy disk drive to select it.
3. On the File menu, point to the name of the floppy drive, and then click Format.
4. Under Format options, click Create an MS-DOS startup disk.
5. Click Start.
Creating an MS-DOS startup disk erases all information on the floppy disk.
To open My Computer, click Start, and then click My Computer.
The MS-DOS startup disk only allows the system to boot into an MS-DOS prompt. The disk contains no additional tools.
...i hope this helps
Thanks for your help..I`ll try it at home...Thanks again so much..
in ms-dos environment... this command will help
format a: /s (where A: is your floppy drive)
in win98
go to control panel > add remove program > go to Startup Disk tab > create Startup disk.. (you need 1 blank disktte)
kung wala ka bootdisk pwede himo ka bootable cdrom from that site bay... gudluck!
Thanks and have a great day to all....
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