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  1. #1
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Labella gives car to official

    POOR Department of Education (DepEd) Cebu City Schools Division Superintendent Rhea Mar Angtud. She may have her own service vehicle, but it was not of much service to her at all.
    Angtud shared that there was an activity in the mountain barangays last Friday and her service vehicle, an old model Mitsubishi Pajero, broke down twice.
    Vice Mayor Edgardo Labella shared that in the mountain barangay of Buot Taup, he passed by Angtud’s vehicle with the driver pouring water into the radiator.
    Apparently, the vehicle overheated.
    Labella said he offered for Angtud and her companions to ride with him, but the DepEd official declined.
    Later, on the same day, Labella passed by Angtud again in Barangay Taptap going to another activity in Tabunan. The same thing happened, the Pajero broke down.
    It was then that Labella offered Angtud one of his service vehicles.
    “I don’t need three vehicles. Education should be given priority and the education department should be given support,” said Labella.
    As vice mayor, he has been issued a Toyota Altis, a Kia vehicle and a Mazda double cab. These have been handed down from former vice mayor Joy Augustus Young.
    Even Mayor Michael Rama only has two vehicles issued under his name.
    Labella gave Angtud the choice of which vehicle she would prefer. Angtud chose the Mazda, which is appropriate for traveling in the mountain barangays.
    The coverage of a Cebu City division superintendent includes public schools in the mountain barangays of the City.
    Angtud was able to claim the Mazda last Tuesday.
    The memorandum receipt will then be transferred to Angtud’s name.
    Angtud was thankful for Labella’s generosity.
    She said she has had several breakdowns with the Pajero issued to her.
    Deped Cebu City, she said, lacks vehicles.
    She hopes that the City can provide DepEd more vehicles.

    Cebi City Vice Mayor gives car to official | Sun.Star

    good move by the vice mayor ......

  2. #2
    Nice...Nindot gyud unta to kung magmotor lang ang mga politiko moadto Bukid..Look at Duterte dba nindto kau tan-awon pangmasa kau bah...

  3. #3
    Nice move Vice mayor..

  4. #4
    sakto jud si labella , education should be given priority and support

  5. #5
    nice move VM Labella para pd ni ikalambo dini sa sugbo

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    education jud unahon dili sayaw2x og gangnam

  7. #7
    Puwede na siya modagan ug pagka-mayor sunod election.
    Maayo unta dili mausab.

  8. #8
    labella has always been a very good legislator

  9. #9
    C.I.A. vahnhelsing's Avatar
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    that's nice, something worth a smile.

  10. #10
    Its nice to read some good news sometimes.

  11.    Advertisement

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