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  1. #1

    Default beautiful poems for parents

    Send Your Children To Bed with a Kiss

    Oh, mothers, so weary, discouraged
    Worn out with the cares of the day,
    You often grow cross and impatient,
    Complain of the noise and the play.
    For the day brings many vexations,
    So many things go amiss.
    But, mothers, whatever may vex you,
    Send the children to bed with a kiss.

    The dear little feet often wander.
    Perhaps from the pathways of right.
    The dear little hands find new mischief
    To try you from morning til night
    But think of the desolate mothers
    Who'd give all the world for your bliss
    And as thanks for your infinite blessings
    Send the children to bed with a kiss.

    For someday their noise will not vex you
    The silence will hurt you far more.
    You will long for the sweet childish voices
    For a sweet childish face at the door.
    And to press a child's face to your bossom.
    You'd give all the world just for this.
    For the comfort t'will give you in sorrow
    Send the children to bed with a kiss

    It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
    A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
    are also thankful for the setbacks
    Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive
    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
    and they can become your blessings.

    ~author unknown

  2. #2

    Default Re: beautiful poems for parents

    i hope dili ni mabalhin sa arts & lits

    i jst posted this coz there are some of us who might be guilty about this
    being a single mom, wd 3 kids to take care of and no maid @ d end of the day
    im too exhausted to realize that they not only need me to clean up after them
    pero they also need quality time with me
    labi na medyo OC ko, mas gitagaan nako tym ang paglimpyo
    cge lng ko pangasaba
    "bago pa gani ko limpyo nagkatag napud!"
    they go to bed crying coz pugson jd nko pakatulog kay para ka rest ko
    im not a bad mother, im jst exhausted and sometimes kng dili ko katulog
    i look at their sleeping faces and makahilak ko, i should have been milder,
    listened to their stories, laughed with them, read them a story....

    hahay emote lng

  3. #3

    Default Re: beautiful poems for parents


    I was sitting on a bench
    while in a nearby mall,
    When I noticed a young mother
    with two children who were small.

    The youngest one was whining'
    "Pick me up," I heard him beg
    but the mother's face grew angry
    as the child clung to her leg.

    "Don't hang on to me," she shouted
    as she pushed his hands away
    I wish I'd had the courage
    to go up to her and say...

    "The time will come to quickly
    when those little arms that tug,
    Won't ask for you to hold them
    or won't freely give a hug.

    "The day will sneak up subtly
    just as it did with me,
    When you can't recall the last time
    that your child sat on your knee

    "Like those sacred pre-dawn feedings
    when we cherished time alone
    Our babies grow and leave behind
    those special times we've known.

    "So when a child comes to you
    with a book that you can share
    Or asks that you would tuck him in
    and help him say his prayer

    "When he comes to sit and chat
    or would like to take a walk,
    Before you answer that you can't
    cause there's no time to talk"
    Remember what all parents learn
    so many times to late,
    That years go by too quickly
    and that childhood doens't wait.

    "Take every opportunity
    if one should slip away
    Reach hard to get it back in,
    don't wait another day."
    I watched that mother walk away
    her children followed near
    I hope she'll pick them up
    Before her chances disapper

    ~author unknown

  4. #4

    Default Re: beautiful poems for parents


  5. #5
    you always be my guide,
    you always become my light,
    each day i live, with you,
    always touch my life...

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