Actually i have a niece, mag 4th year cya this June, kinahanglan cla mag OJT nia cya nagschool sa UC-LM as BSIT.
Can u help me list down here sa mga companies nga nag accept og OJT?
Thank you.
Actually i have a niece, mag 4th year cya this June, kinahanglan cla mag OJT nia cya nagschool sa UC-LM as BSIT.
Can u help me list down here sa mga companies nga nag accept og OJT?
Thank you.
ako sad...
there are lots of companies here who accepts OJT's
>SA styropor
> toyota
>keppel shipyard
and more...
BS IT. i suggest instead of going for OJTs, spend more time studying web designing and web developing. when you're good at this, companies don't need experience, but they do need portfolios (samples of your work). in demand baya ni karong panahona. and not to mention, the very good rates.
but as for companies, mao ra ni akong nahibaw-an (somewhat related to IT):
and probably call centers (though, im not sure about this one. murag full-time IT personnel ang call centers)
Thanks sa inyo mga reply ha. Nadawat na as OJT ako niece. thanks again.
try also globelines and pldt...they do accept OJT's according to my classmate...but dunno bout the situation this June coz summer man to iya giingon...
etelecare (dunno if they still accept)
etelecare (dunno if they still accept)
mga financial institution dawat ojt,like bank
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