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  1. #1

    Default Merged All About Election 2013! (Senatorial Post)

    Please keep this as civil as possible. Educated debate lang.
    Niya be as impartial as possible even if you have an inclination
    towards a certain political party or candidate.

    So the question, kay majority diri kay educated ug naa juy alam...
    Kinsa nga senator ang inyu tan-aw nga worth your vote this 2013?

    For now, wa pa jud koy ma lista kung kinsa botaran.
    Pero nana koy lista kung kinsay DILI ANGAY botaran.
    Niya number one sa list tong mga wa juy ayo ang mga TV add nga pwerteng maka irita
    (e.g. Opoe, Grace poe po, POETANG INA)

    Sige give me your comments and opinions.

  2. #2
    ari ko kay Dick Gordon kay iyang gi pang tabangan ang mga walay 'butas sa pwet'

  3. #3
    Speaking of worth ...
    ganhan mn kha kag worth it imong votes so nganu anha mn ka sa TV ADDs mairita...mga tv adds ra diay imo gibasihan? lolz.

    ont: ako ambot kong unsa og kinsay ky ng cge rkog paminaw sa akong mga uy0an nga cgeg debate about politics. nyahehe kinsa kha akong botarn nga worth it jud..hmm..suggest mo kinsa and WHY?hehehe

  4. #4
    Risa Hontiveros ug Edward Hagedorn ra jud!!

  5. #5
    Elite Member Vanillaskies's Avatar
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    Just recently had a vacation in palawan and all i can say is super discipline ang mga tao ngadto, can't even seen a single trash on the streets, clean and green place and because of that i'll go for Ed Hagedorn.

  6. #6
    Hagedorn and Gordon

  7. #7
    sadly, there is none. i am not impressed with social technocrats, except for those who leave people to their own business.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by aming1523 View Post
    Hagedorn and Gordon
    can we add Duterte? even if he's not running?

  9. #9
    Personally, here are some candidates worth considering:

    6. CASIŅO, Teodoro - Sure, he has been labelled as a "leftist". But I think we should also try to listen to his ideas. Anyway, it is absolutely wrong to call someone evil because of supposed communist ties.

    15. GORDON, Richard - Dependable and really gets things done. I do have some disagreements with him, but he is definitely worth considering.

    23. MAGSAYSAY, Mitos - Some might shy away from her simply because of her association with Mrs. Arroyo. However, I really think she has some good ideas that are worth considering. That's why I really think we should give this woman a chance.

    24. MAGSAYSAY, Ramon Jr. - I think he has done a good job as senator in the past, so I believe that he is worth considering, especially for the new generation.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Detective Mask View Post
    Personally, here are some candidates worth considering:

    6. CASIŅO, Teodoro - Sure, he has been labelled as a "leftist". But I think we should also try to listen to his ideas. Anyway, it is absolutely wrong to call someone evil because of supposed communist ties.

    15. GORDON, Richard - Dependable and really gets things done. I do have some disagreements with him, but he is definitely worth considering.

    23. MAGSAYSAY, Mitos - Some might shy away from her simply because of her association with Mrs. Arroyo. However, I really think she has some good ideas that are worth considering. That's why I really think we should give this woman a chance.

    24. MAGSAYSAY, Ramon Jr. - I think he has done a good job as senator in the past, so I believe that he is worth considering, especially for the new generation.
    Thanks. Will keep this in mind.

    So far, makanotice jud ko nga daghan ganahan aning Dick Gordon.
    Murag okay sad ni siya kay ganahan ko sa kato iya platform nga i-improve ang ato national defense.
    Although vague, I hope nag refer to siya sa pag improve sa equipment sa AFP.

    Niya sa livelihood and other platforms, awn pa nako kinsay angay. Niya mayta di lang tawn ni sila kutob platforms2x ra

  11.    Advertisement

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