I love to make scrapbook ug cards. Kung kinsay ganahan magpahimo, affordable ra ^_^.
Your own materials for scrapbook.(pwede sabotan)
Scrapbook (Labor only)
10-pages scrapbook- P500
20-pages scrapbook-P800
Cards (the materials are mine)
Note: per page that means one sided ra.
Depende sa sabot, kung sayun ra ang ipahimo mas barato or mahal if lisud. Pwede mo magsend ug inyung ganahan na design or template ^_^
For 10-pages scrapbook, 5-7 days production
For 20-pages scrapbook, 10-14 days production
Additional P200 for rush.
Bug at kau ang file so dili ma butang ang pics. just access my facebook album