CEDF-IT is inviting you to take CISCO 1 and CISCO 2 Trainings, and get CERTIFIED!

We will have our CISCO 1 on April 15-20,2013, that is a 6-day training, for only Php10K, including am/pm snacks, and lunch, and certificate.

We only need 6-8 people to run this program. The schedule is from 9:30 am to 5pm.

We will also have CISCO 2 this April 1-6,2013, its a 6-days training, for only Php10K, including am/pm snacks, lunch and certificates.

We only need 6-8 people to run this program. Limited slots only, to maintain the quality of the training. The schedule time is from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.

We are open to time suggestion, as we are depending on your availability.

Our trainer for this is a partner of Worldtech CISCO trainers. They are very good when it comes to this field.

So hurry register now, for advance booking kindly call 032 4127695 and look for Erma, or you can drop by at our office located in IT Park, fronting Aegis Bldg.

We hope to hear from you, and GODBLESS...