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  1. #1

    Default Unsa mas maau ug gfx: Fx5500, FX-5600k o Gt550?

    Ngayo ko tabang mga masterz.. Unsa mas maau ug gfx: Nvidia Fx5500, AMD FX-5600k o Palit Gt550?

    Kana unta makadagan ug bug-at na games reha ng Lol, HoN, DN ug uban pa. Payts na ba ng 1gb? Ingon sako amigo nindot daw ug 4gb imo vc. Sakto ba mga masterz?

  2. #2
    nindot ang 4gb pero budgetan nimug 20k hehe..gt550 ok na kaau na sa games imu plano duwaon.

  3. #3
    ibutang imo budget TS daghan kaau mo tabang nimo dri..
    bsta naa ang budget good to go naka

  4. #4
    ibutang budget bro, pero bantayi lang kay kuhaon nya... nyahahaha!!!

    Bitaw gt550 bro is good enough for the games you have mentioned...

  5. #5
    FX 5500, FX 5600 or GT550? Unsa may expansion slot nimo ani, pci-e or agp? kung agp look for 6800GT for pci-e and on budget kay Nvidia GT 630 or AMD HD 7500/7600 Series and about VRAM? 1GB or 4GB it may be pero di kau na mo matter when comes to overall performance bottleneck issue na cya within the card it self. Ayaw padala anang dagko ug memory kay mura pud nag marketing strategy sa company. More RAM doesn't mean better performance.

    Layman's Term:

    Bottleneck - a certain component that hinders/slows down the performance of another component.
    VRAM - Video Random Access Memory.

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