Surprise your loved ones with this special balloon bouquet with Love,it's a unique gift and pretty cute at a price you can afford. (Different designs to choose from) Contact us: 0905.2487.442 / 0919.988.6666 / 0915.698.8530
Limited offer only so place your order now!

January 27,2013
Proud dad for his birthday gift - a Birthday balloon bouquet from PartyFactory.
We accept bulk orders,for reservations please call 0905.2487.442

We also had Balloon Packages,Party Packages,Giveaways & a lot more for your special occasion and guess what,we also customize to suit your style,theme & budget in a stunning way. PM me for inquiries or visit PartyFactory on facebook & like our page: thanks a bunch! LET'S PARTY!!!

Giveaways by PartyFactory
(please visit us on facebook for more packages,giveaways & party accessories. thanks!