Hello Community,

Dental cleanings are critical for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Even though brushing, flossing and using a fluoridated mouthwash at home is a significant part of your oral care regimen, visiting the dentist regularly is also valuable. Dental professionals use a variety of dental cleaning techniques that only can be performed in the dental office. In addition, only licensed dentists and licensed dental hygienists, who work under the supervision of a dentist, can perform such dental cleanings. Licensed dentists must complete four years of dental school, while dental hygienists typically complete a two-year associate degree program. A gross derangement is another dental cleaning technique. The dental hygienist uses an ultrasonic scaler device with a hand-piece and tip to remove tartar from teeth rapidly. This technique involves the conversion of high-frequency sound waves into mechanical energy in the form of very rapid vibrations at the instrument's tip. The tip sprays water to stop the buildup of heat and to flush bacteria from gum pockets during the cleaning.

Best Regards,
Charle Goster