nag sunod mo ani nga anime? before naa sya gi himo kato Jojo's Bizzare Adventure it even had games based ato which was was pretty gud Im about to end this tonight mag marathon ko though I played the game na and read the comics kahibalo nako sa plot pero ang anime is just so good.
For all the anime out there this is one of the original greats and in coincidence sad 2012 mayan doomsday scare 1 item in the anime is actually MAYAN! how cool is that? pero you would only find out about it when the next chapter rolls in which is "BATTLE TENDENCIES!"
so kung ganahan mo ug anime na mo run through generations in the Quest to Fight Evil I highly recommend ani good story great art inig tan aw ninyo sa intro palang gali ang art direction and pag shift sa scenes is awesome give this a try dli mo mag mahay.
Aztec diay ang artifact they kinda look the same sa OAV sauna :P