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  1. #1
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    Default Fight diseases by increasing your body's natural production of glutathione thru MaxGXL & CellGevity

    We all know that ANTIOXIDANT is the solution to protect our body from free radical damage. Most health and wellness companies use EXTERNAL ANTIOXIDANT SUPPLEMENTS (Exogenous Antioxidant). They spend decades of research seeking the secret elixir that will give them the health, energy, strength and vitality they craved. Companies tout powders, liquids, pills and many other supplements that are promised to give our bodies the essential nutrients they need to become healthy.

    What NONE of them Realize is that the SECRET to Health and Longevity is "ALREADY INSIDE OUR BODY." The interesting fact is that we do not have to obtain this via Food because it is not an ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT, it is an ENDOGENOUS ANTIOXIDANT called
    GLUTATHIONE (GSH). The most powerful antioxidant "glutathione gsh” can be found and manufactured in each and every Cell of the human body.

    Glutathione or GSH is the Most Important Antioxidant. So important, that Without It, WE DIE! It is often called REDUCED GLUTATHIONE or sometimes referred as L-GLUTATHIONE.

    It is a small protein (tripeptide) molecule formed from the amino acids Cysteine, Glycine and Glutamic Acid thru BIOSYNTHESIS. It has been deemed the "Master Antioxidant" because it can PREVENT and REPAIR damage caused by Free Radicals and Peroxides to important cellular components.

    For decades. Scientists have been unable to get glutathione past the digestive process to be absorbed directly by cells. No simple and cost effective delivery method had been found to increase glutathione gsh at the cellular level for the average person.... UNTIL RECENTLY!

    MaxGXL® - The Glutathione Accelerator

    The Bad News ... Your glutathione levels are FALLING, by about 10% to 15% per decade!
    Reduced glutathione levels result in accelerated aging, low energy, higher inflammation, and a greater vulnerability to cell damage and disease .

    "Another Dillema!"
    Foods and Food Supplement containing glutathione alone will not increase the Body's GSH Levels to a clinically beneficial extent. Research suggests that glutathione taken orally is not well absorbed across the gastrointestinal tract.

    The Good News ... MaxGXL® can dramatically raise your glutathione levels, with increases up to 292%.

    * A Golden Standard clinical study was performed on 4 subjects and it was proven to raise natural glutathione (gsh) levels up to 292% in just 2 months of daily use of MaxGXL.

    What causes Glutathione deficiency?
    Your Glutathione Levels are Falling whether you like it or not. Glutathione levels diminish as we age. Your body's natural glutathione production begins to decline by 10% to 15% per decade starting at the age of 20. Glutathione deficiency is alarming because all other antioxidants rely on the presence of glutathione to function and do their job properly. This is the main reason that as we age (hence glutathione levels become lower) we become prone to illnesses.

    1 Box contains 4 bottles
    1 bottle contains 45 capsules

    Retail price: Php 5,152.00
    Wholesale Price: Php 4,200.00
    Loyalty Price: Php 3,024.00

    1 Box contains 4 bottles
    1 bottle contains 30 capsules

    Retail price: Php 6,182.00
    Wholesale Price: Php 5,152.00
    Loyalty Price: Php 4,144.00

    Online purchase click HERE

    Max official site:

    If you want to try 1 bottle first before buying the box (online), you can get it from me for only Php 1,300.00 (MaxGXL) and Php 1,600.00 (CellGevity).

    PM me thru facebook

  2. #2
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    No GLUTATHIONE from its Supplement Facts

    don't flush your money by orally taking glutathione or thru injection. it is broken down when taken orally as it passes the gastrointestinal tract. if it survives the gi tract, it still can't be absorbed by the cells since whole glutathione molecule is too big to pass the cell membrane. same goes when used intravenously. it goes directly to your bloodstream and will not be absorbed by the cells. natural glutathione (gsh) should be within the cells, not outside. the only visible effect when using these method (oral and IV) is that it will whiten the skin. synthetic glutathione suppresses the production of melanin in the skin resulting to a lighter complexion. it is also not recommended since it will increase the risk of skin cancer. below is a clinical study published in pubmed about this subject:

    J Dermatolog Treat. 2012 Apr;23(2):97-102. doi: 10.3109/09546631003801619. Epub 2010 Jun 5.
    Glutathione as an oral whitening agent: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

    Arjinpathana N, Asawanonda P.
    Division of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

    OBJECTIVE: To determine whether orally administered glutathione, 500 mg per day for 4 weeks, affects the skin melanin index, when compared with placebo.

    This randomized, double-blind, two-arm, placebo-controlled study was set in the King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, a teaching hospital affiliated with a medical school. Sixty otherwise healthy medical students were randomized to receive either glutathione capsules, 500 mg/day in two divided doses, or placebo for 4 weeks. The main outcome was mean reduction of melanin indices measured at six different sites. Several secondary outcomes, including UV spots, were recorded by VISIA™. Efficacies of glutathione and placebo were compared by ANCOVA with baseline values as co-variates.

    Sixty participants enrolled and completed the study. At 4 weeks, the melanin indices decreased consistently at all six sites in subjects who received glutathione. The reductions were statistically significantly greater than those receiving placebo at two sites, namely the right side of the face and the sun-exposed left forearm (p-values = 0.021 and 0.036, respectively). This was similarly reflected in the changes in the number of UV spots, as measured by VISIA. Both glutathione and placebo were very well tolerated.

    Oral glutathione administration results in a lightening of skin color in a small number of subjects. However, long-term safety has not been established and warrants more extensive clinical trials.

    Here's the abstract posted from Pubmed.

    this also proves that the methods mentioned above do not help in increasing glutathione levels within the cells. it does have side effects to the skin and virtually NO HEALTH BENEFITS. to optimize the function of glutathione, use glutathione accelerator. it is the only practical way to make each cell in the body produce glutathione naturally and effectively.

    this clinical study also proves that daily use of maxgxl will increase gsh levels up to 292%

  3. #3
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    Medical research supports that Glutathione protects from viruses

    “Without glutathione your entire defense (immune) system would surrender to the first virus you encountered and cease to function.” - Dr. Robert Keller

    MaxGXL helps boost immunity. Having sufficient levels of Glutathione in your body can significantly strengthen your immune system, thereby maximizing your body’s natural ability to defend itself against illness and disease.

    How can MaxGXL Boost Your Immune Health?

    Strengthens your immune system
    Defends against illness and disease
    Reduce inflammation by Increasing Glutathione levels
    Fights infection, injury, fatigue, stress and environmental toxins
    Functions as a powerful antioxidant and antitoxin

    Those suffering from chronic illnesses such as cancer, auto-immune diseases, heart disease, Alzheimers’s disease, liver disease, arthritis and asthma – to name just a few, consistently show depleted levels of Glutathione in their bodies. Glutathione is the body’s primary antioxidant, and is found in elevated concentrations into our 20’s, at which time the levels begin to decrease as we continue to age. MaxGXL supports the increased production of Glutathione in your body, making sufficient levels available to the liver and spleen – the body’s central mechanisms of detoxification and immune function.

    Recent Medical Research: Glutathione (GSH) demonstrates Anti-viral Activity

    Within an in vitro model of Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) infection, addition of GSH was able to decrease the amount of virus produced by infected cells. This report also demonstrated an acute depletion of GSH within HSV-1 infected cells less than 1hr after infection. The addition of GSH to the culture media increased the level of GSH in infected cells to levels just lower than that measured in non-infected cells and decreased the amount of virus produced by the infected cells by greater than 90%.

    Follow this link to read the entire text of published abstract on this study: Evidence for antiviral activity of glutathione... [Antiviral Res. 1995] - PubMed - NCBI

    Also check my thread at Fitness and Health Section

  4. #4
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  6. #6
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    Antioxidants 101: Endogenous Vs Exogenous Antioxidant


    Free radicals - are highly reactive, unstable molecules that have lost one electron and are aggressively looking for a replacement. Free radicals are formed in the body, and its production is increased when we are exposed to such things as tobacco smoke, alcohol, insecticides, radiation and even to sunlight. Other causes are a high-fat diet, eating fried foods, or strenuous exercise. It is the free radical production from these sources that we need to be most concerned about. In a simple explanation, FREE RADICALS are responsible to cell damage.

    Exogenous Antioxidant - antioxidant that we obtain from our diet and supplements. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are the most popular exogenous antioxidant that floods the market.

    Endogenous Antioxidant - antioxidant produced by our body. More powerful free radical fighter than those you can get from your diet. The five important endogenous antioxidants are Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), Catalase and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

    Our body produces more SOD, Catalase and Glutathione when certain free radicals are present. It is our body's Frontline defense (First Line of Defense).

    Important Roles of Endogenous Antioxidant:

     SOD can convert the most reactive or most dangerous free radicals into hydrogen peroxide, which catalase and Glutathione can then turn into oxygen and water, neutralizing them.
     ALA, Glutathione and CoQ10 has properties that can regenerate and recycle some exogenous antioxidants. **Example - Vitamin C (Ascorbate) donates an electron to a free radical to neutralize it, making it dehydroascorbate which has a half-life in the body of only a few minutes. If the dehydroascorbate is not rereduced (given back its lost electrons) back to ascorbate, it is irreversibly lost making it a weak free radical. Endogenous antioxidants can regenerate this dyhydroascorbate, turning it back to ascorbate form so it can combat another free radical again.

    What Makes Glutathione Stand Out from other Endogenous Antioxidant?
    Glutathione is present in each and every cell of our body, found in high concentrations in liver cells. It is the cell’s primary antioxidant against free radicals produced by toxic chemicals and viruses. Glutathione also plays an essential role in the liver’s detoxification process (Phase II system).
    Glutathione has the ability to repair DNA damage caused by free radicals at the cellular level, it plays a role in boosting the immune system and in slowing down the natural ageing process.... Glutathione indeed is the Most Important and Most Powerful Antioxidant inside our body.

    How Powerful is Glutathione?
    Antioxidant donates electron to free radicals to neutralize it. Let's make an example how many free radicals some popular antioxidants can neutralize:
     Vitamin E - a molecule of vit.E has 3 electrons to share, meaning it can neutralize 3 free radicals at a time.
     Vitamin C - has 2 to 5 electrons to share, means it can neutralize 2 to 5 free radicals at a time.
     Glutathione - has 1 million electrons to share, it can neutralize 1million free radicals at a time as well as give back the lost electrons of exogenous antioxidants like vitamin c and vitamin e making them functional again.
    It is estimated that every one of the cells in our body receives 10,000 hits a day from free radicals, assuming we have 50 to 75 trillion cells, imagine the total hits from free radicals we encounter per day! If we will rely from exogenous antioxidants to neutralize that many free radicals, we would have to consume approximate amount of 375 oranges or 87 glasses of red wine or 120 vitamin C capsule! Glutathione being our body's frontline defense, do most of the work in neutralizing these free radicals.

    Important Facts:
     Endogenous and Exogenous Antioxidants, revive and spare one another from destruction. So those exogenous antioxidants coming from our diet and supplements are also important.
     Taking Vitamin C and Vitamin E and other exogenous antioxidant supplement is also needed if we need to give our body a boost by helping and aiding glutathione.
     It is evident that we need to rely on replenishing glutathione at the cellular level to be healthier and live longer.
     When we are Younger, our body is capable of producing enough endogenous antioxidants to combat free radicals on their own. Capability decreases as we age, making us vulnerable to sickness.

    For decades, the main problem encountered with glutathione sold as a supplement is that only very small amounts can be absorbed into the blood stream because of its large molecule size aside from our body breaks them down in the process of digestion.

    Scientific Breakthrough:
    Dr. Robert H. Keller has formulated a cost effective way to promote glutathione production at the cellular level. This Genius formulated a “Glutathione Accelerator”. To know more about this scientific breakthrough, visit Max International’s website at Max International.

    Please also check my thread from Health and Fitness section

  7. #7
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    What is Migraine?

    Migraine is a chronic disorder characterised by recurrent severe headaches that can last up to 72 hours. The headache is often unilateral (one sided). Associated symptoms may include nausea, increased sensitivity to light and sound, and aura. Migraines are more common in women, and may possibly be related to fluctuating hormone levels. Certain triggers may also be a cause for migraine such as stress, exercise, hunger, toxins, food additives (eg MSG), alcohol, caffeine, electromagnetic radiation, the menstrual cycle and fatigue.

    The Role of Glutathione

    Glutathione is the brain's most important antioxidant and free radical scavenger. Glutathione plays a vital role in mopping up harmful toxins, so if glutathione get depleted these toxins can accumulate and cause cell damage. Glutathione is able to chelate and remove mercury from the body via the liver. Glutathione also plays a vital role in the production of melatonin, an endogenous antioxidant that is involved in regulating our circadian rhythms.

    How is Migraine Treated?

    Migraine sufferers typically take pain relieving medications (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol or acetaminophen), however these medicines have the unfortunate side effect of further depleting glutathione stores in the body.

    The Natural Approach

    Many people have reported relief from migraines within a few weeks of commencing Cellgevity (or the original formulation MaxGXL) to boost their glutathione levels. Initially the person may experience a slight 'detoxification' reaction in the first few days and feel more tired than usual, but this is a good sign that the product is working to cleanse the cells of toxins.

    Cellgevity and MaxGXL are ideal for supporting brain function, improving mental clarity, improving sleep, increasing energy and for optimising overall health.

  8. #8
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    Cyst and Glutathione

    What is a Cyst?

    A cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division (with outer wall called capsule) on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. Cysts may be small and visible only under a microscope, or they may grow to a very large size and displace normal body structures. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.

    What is the Difference Between Cyst and Cancer?
    Most cysts in the body are benign (dysfunctional) tumors, the result of plugged ducts or other natural body outlets for secretions. Benign tumors do not grow uncontrollably, do not invade neighbouring tissues, and do not spread throughout the body. However sometimes these masses are considered neoplasm. Neoplasms may be benign, pre-malignant (carcinoma in situ) or malignant (cancer).

    Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. Important fact to remember: "Not all tumors are cancerous."

    What is a Tumor?
    To make it easy to understand, tumour/tumor is a latin word that means "swelling". In its medical sense it has traditionally meant an abnormal swelling of the flesh.

    Cysts occur commonly in numerous tissues and organs and are often named according to their particular anatomic location (for example ovarian cysts, bladder cysts, breast cysts, liver cysts, kidney cysts, pancreatic cysts, vaginal cysts, skin cysts, thyroid cysts).

    Certain types of cysts also have special designations and nomenclature. Examples of these include:
    • Ganglion cyst: a cyst around a tendon, most commonly occurring at the wrist
    • Baker's cyst: a cyst containing joint fluid that is located in popliteal space behind the knee
    • Bartholin's cyst: cystic enlargement of small glands near the vaginal opening
    • Nabothian cyst: a mucus-filled cyst on the surface of the uterine cervix
    • Pilonidal cysts: cysts that arise in the soft tissue at the base of the tailbone (coccyx) of the lower back, just above the natal cleft (the cleavage between the buttocks)
    • Dermoid cyst: a type of benign tumor of the ovary that contains multiple cystic spaces and various tissue types

    Cyst Causes
    Cysts can arise through a variety of processes in the body, including "wear and tear" or simple obstructions to the flow of fluid, infections, tumors, chronic inflammatory conditions, genetic (inherited) conditions, defects in developing organs in the embryo.

    Most cysts arise due to the types of conditions listed above and are only preventable to the extent that the underlying cause is preventable.

    Facts About Cyst
    • Small cysts or cysts in internal structures of the body may not produce symptoms.
    • Cysts in the skin or in tissues just beneath the skin may be recognized as painless lumps or bumps
    • Cysts which can be felt may be hard or soft.
    • Sometimes it is possible to notice an increase in size of a cyst while in other cases, the size will remain constant.
    • It is often not possible to distinguish a cyst from some other cause of tissue swelling simply by physical examination.
    • If cysts arise due to a serious infection, tumor, or chronic disease, the symptoms depend on the location, type, and extent of the disease.

    Cyst Detection
    Cysts of internal organs such as the kidneys or liver may not be
    detected by the affected individual. These cysts often are first
    discovered by imaging studies (X-ray, ultrasound, computerized
    tomography or CT scan, and magnetic resonance imaging or MRI)
    sometimes performed for other reasons.

    Cysts that are very large and result in symptoms due to their size may be surgically removed. Sometimes the fluid contained within a cyst can be drained, or aspirated, by inserting a needle or catheter into the cyst cavity, resulting in collapse of the cyst. Imaging such as ultrasound or CT scanning may be used for guidance in draining (aspirating) cyst contents.

    If there is any suspicion that a cyst is cancerous, the cyst may be removed by surgery, or a biopsy is taken of the cyst wall (capsule) to rule out malignancy. Depending upon the size and location of the cyst, this may be performed in a doctor's office, outpatient surgery center, or hospital operating room. In certain cases, aspirated fluid from a cyst is examined under a microscope to determine if cancer cells are present in the cyst.

    Cyst and Glutathione
    Cyst is nothing as compared to Cancer. we know already that it is more likely a benign tumor (swelling/growth). It can be avoided if we will help our body produce enough endogenous antioxidant Glutathione to remove toxins and reduce swelling or inflammation. Cyst and all other causes of cyst can be prevented if we have enough level of intracellular Glutathione to make our DNA and Cells healthy.

    Thanks to MaxGXL, Dysmenorrhea, multiple Myoma and Breast Cysts ALL GONE.

    Get MaxGXL, CellGevity and MaxOne at WHOLESALE PRICE HERE

  9. #9
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    Glutathione and Cancer

    First of all, what is Cancer?

    Cancer is the SYMPTOM of DNA mutation, abnormal growth of damaged cells. DNA controls cell growth, development and replication. When the DNA gets damaged, it can replicate an altered (damaged) cell - and when this altered cell replicates itself.... This can become CANCER.

    Please Take Note: Symptoms alert YOU that something isn't right in your Body but they are not the Cause of Illness or Disease.

    Did You Know That Cancer is associated with Low Levels of Glutathione GSH?

    "The Precursor To Fight Cancer Lies In Prevention"

    Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant and plays a key role in the prevention of cancer.

    Glutathione neutralises the harmful free radicals that build up in the body and would otherwise damage cells. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that contribute to virtually every degenerative disease, including cancer and the aging process.

    Additionally, glutathione chelates and removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, protects against radiation damage, and boosts the immune system. Glutathione also regulates levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF1), an important immune modulator involved in cell death.

    Unfortunately many factors conspire to reduce our vital glutathione stores, including chronic illness, aging, stress, toxins and chemotherapy.

    So How can we prevent Cancer?
    Since healthy DNA is needed to prevent replication of mutated cells, we need to protect it from free radicals by the aid of Antioxidants.


    Antioxidants have "extra" electrons that they can give to free radicals. By doing that, it eliminates its harmful effect. Antioxidants are the body's defense against destructive free radicals which causes aging, sickness and disease.

    What Type of Antioxidant Do We Need

    Exogenous Antioxidant
    If we will take Exogenous Antioxidant like the famous Vitamin C and Vitamin E, we are protecting our cells from being damaged, but it cannot repair or restore damaged cells. It only shields our body from incoming free radicals. In other words, exogenous antioxidant has no ability to neutralize or stop mutated cells to grow erratically. We should also consider the fact that people with Cancer have low levels of Glutathione, because of this, important exogenous antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E cannot do their job adequately to protect our body against disease.

    Endogenous Antioxidant Glutathione GSH
    Glutathione GSH plays a very important role in DNA repair. Healthy DNA is essential to prevent mutated cells from replicating itself which will lead to Cancer.

    It is a proven fact that if you have cancer, you have low levels of Glutathione GSH. However as of now, there's no documented scientific evidence that raising Glutathione levels can make us overcome Cancer if you already have one, research and clinical trials are still ongoing. But we already have witnessed several miracles, of patients with terminal cancer that survived by taking large dose of glutathione accelerator/booster. Some are claiming it as Placebo only but the important thing is, they continue to live.

    What Science have proven is that when you have high levels of glutathione gsh, you will be protected from free radical damage, all other Antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E can do their job efficiently, your vital organs will function better and you will have better functioning immune system. Generally speaking, having high levels of Glutathione GSH means having a healthier body.

    Glutathione supplementation beneficial after chemotherapy
    Low glutathione levels are commonly found among those undergoing chemotherapy. A glutathione supplement is thought to be very beneficial after a course of chemotherapy, to restore glutathione levels.

    Research scientists Bogliun et al (see abstract below) studied women with ovarian cancer who were being treated with chemotherapy. Some of the women were also treated with intravenous glutathione. Those given the glutathione not only had fewer toxic side effects from the chemotherapy but also had better overall survival rates.

    Glutathione: A bullet proof vest?

    According to Patrick Holford, author of Say No To Cancer: ‘Glutathione deserves attention as it is perhaps the most important antioxidant within cells and has proven to be highly cancer protective.’

    The anti-cancer properties of glutathione are well documented. In 1981 a group of scientists gave a group of rats a known carcinogen, then treated half of the rats with glutathione. After eight months there were no survivors in the control group, but 81% of the rats that had received glutathione were still alive.

    Glutathione has been shown to stimulate apoptosis (cell death) of malignant cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. When our glutathione levels are optimised it's rather like wearing a bullet proof vest, protecting us from oxidative damage.

    The Power of Cellgevity and MaxGXL

    Cellgevity contains the unique compound RiboCeine, which is the most effective oral supplement available for increasing systemic glutathione levels. MaxGXL on the other hand contains NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) which is the primary raw material for the cells to manufacture increased levels of natural glutathione gsh.

    Cellgevity and MaxGXL are ideal for strengthening the immune system, supporting heart and lung function, detoxifying the liver, increasing mental clarity, increasing energy levels and for improving overall health.

    Stage 4 Cancer patients amazing recovery with Max products:

  10. #10
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    UPDATE: This was October 2012, on her first testimony

    January 23, 2013, finally survived cancer

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