As for me:
I would push for improvement in the Education in particular the setting up of Community, and City libraries.
City Libraries - I'm going to copy the library system here in Singapore, push for the creation of City libraries. Currently I think only Cebu City has one, I don't know about Mandaue, Danao City doesn't even have one, if they do have, they're under utilized. Books and donations can be sourced from publishing houses, private individuals and corporations. Free access cards can be given to public and private school students. I would also push for learning centers in these libraries where students can participate in classes or review classes that are not taught in private or public schools. Computer access centers can be setup, with funding from the private sector, libre pud internet.
Community Libraries - Copied from Singapore, each community has their own libraries - books are sourced from publishers, willing to give books to public libraries. The libraries gives free access cards to all people not limited to students, libre trainings and seminars not only to students but also out of school youths, elderly, etc. I remember some reading sessions in one of these libraries, where anyone can bring their kids and make them listen to a story teller in the libraries. The more we get people to be interested in reading, the better we make and improve education for the people.