sorry, it actually went down. however, the site is already back. we apologize for that. i hope you could go and check it out.
Check and Register to get early invites!
what is the web-app trying to solve? how can this add value to our lives considering that there are a lot of apps already of this kind?
Thanks for the response! But would like to ask what web-apps you are referring to? Our main goal really is to allow people discover great music and new music through the different posts being uploaded by people all over the world.
We are almost launching the website! Check and register to get early invites!
Thanks for the response! But would like to ask what web-apps you are referring to? Our main goal really is to make people discover great music and new music through the different posts of music performances of people around the globe.
The launching of HUMNY is already set! December 21! You can sign-up now to get early invites! Humny is coming soon!
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